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Former NADETSU coordinator flays Delta Youth’s attitude towards free education

The lacklustre attitude of students and youths towards the call for free education in Delta State has been condemned.

The condemnation came from the International Coordinator of Nigerian Patriotic Youth Network Int’l, Amb. Akpovire Godwin Ovuomaraini, in a statement on Monday.

The former National President of the National Association of Delta State Students, NADESTU, said in a statement from his Manchester base in the United Kingdom that it was unfortunate that youths and students who were supposed to be beneficiaries of free education at all levels in the state were not interested in supporting the cause.

Titled “The Dilemma of Delta: Unveiling the Cowardice Attitude Towards Free Education,” the statement said the call for free education remained a beacon of hope for youths in the state, which thrives on the intellectual prowess of its citizens.

Amb. Ovuomaraini called on youths and students to brave the odds and overcome the shackles of hunger, poverty, and deprivation to rejuvenate the educational inequality in the state.

“In the heartland of Delta State, where the potential for progress is abundant, a perplexing phenomenon unfolds.

A call for free education, a policy that promises to empower youth, students, and parents alike, encounters an unexpected obstacle—cowardice.

“As the voice advocating for this transformative policy gains momentum, it is disheartening to observe the reluctance, sycophancy, and misplaced fears that shroud the very individuals who stand to benefit the most.

“The proposed initiative seeks to break the chains of educational inequality, offering a chance for every Deltan to access quality education without the burden of exorbitant fees.

“However, a disconcerting pattern emerges as those who could shape a brighter future for Delta shy away from supporting this call.

“One would expect the youth, students, and parents to be at the forefront, championing the cause of free education. Surprisingly, it is this very demographic that seems to retreat into the shadows of hesitation. The question that looms is: why?

He said, “Sycophancy, a phenomenon where individuals prioritise personal gain over collective welfare, has found an unfortunate home in the hearts of some Deltans. Fearful of upsetting the status quo, some hesitate to openly endorse the call for free education, dreading the repercussions from those in power.

“Hunger, a pervasive issue in many communities, becomes a tool of manipulation. The fear of losing meagre opportunities or facing economic repercussions stifles the voices that should be echoing the call for educational liberation.

The shackles of hunger, ironically, become a barrier to advocating for a policy that could break the cycle of poverty.

“Lack of foresight, another impediment, clouds the judgement of those who are hesitant to support free education.

The inability to see beyond immediate concerns blinds them to the long-term benefits of an educated populace—a populace capable of steering Delta towards unprecedented heights of development.

“It is indeed a shame and an unfortunate reality that the very individuals who could usher in positive change betray themselves through their reluctance to support a policy that promises to uplift generations.

The courage to stand for what is right, the courage to envision a brighter future, seems to be elusive in the face of immediate challenges.”

“It is imperative for the youth, students, and parents to overcome the shackles of cowardice, sycophancy, hunger, and myopic vision. Only through unity and courage can Delta embrace a future where education is not a privilege but a right for all.

“The onus falls not only on the call for free education but on the collective consciousness of Delta to rise above the limitations that hinder progress.

Only then can the true potential of this vibrant state be unlocked and the promise of a brighter tomorrow be fulfilled,” Ovuomaraini stated.


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