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CALSER raises alarm on plot to blackmail Naval Chief, Ogalla

The Centre for African Liberation and Socioeconomic Rights (CALSER) raised an alarm on Monday over an alleged plot by some disgruntled elements to blackmail the Chief of Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Emmanuel Ogalla.

Speaking at a press conference held in Abuja, CALSER Convener Professor Thomas Uzah said oil thieves are on the prowl, seeking the head of the Naval Chief to thwart their illicit business.

Professor Uzah said the allegations against Ogalla and a respected institution like the Nigerian Navy remain figments of the imagination of the promoters.

While applauding the Navy’s drive to protect national assets on our waterways, he warned that further slander campaigns against the Chief of Naval Staff would lead to a nationwide protest.

“Also worthy of mention is that the efforts of the Nigerian Navy have further led to the delisting of Nigeria from the International Maritime Bureau piracy list.

“These are indeed tangibles that the Nigerian Navy has recorded in recent times under the watch of Vice Admiral Emmanuel Ogalla.

“We wish to use this medium to call on the Department of State Services to be capable of undermining the tangible gains recorded by the Nigerian Navy in addressing crude oil theft in the country.

“The promoters of this campaign of calumny must be identified and brought to book if we are desirous of making progress as a country, given that the major source of revenue is crude oil.

“There is no doubt that those behind crude oil theft have resources at their disposal to undermine the efforts of the Nigerian Navy. As such, they must be identified and brought to book.

“We also wish to inform members of the general public to be circumspect about news stories about the Nigerian Navy. These are the handiwork of enemies of the country who have been diverting the commonwealth of the people.

“The efforts of the Nigerian Navy in recent times have contributed immensely to socioeconomic growth and development. As such, it behoves well-meaning Nigerians to support the Nigerian Navy at this critical point of our existence,” he noted.

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