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Ondo Muslims kick against Ayedatiwa’s appointments

The leaders of Muslim Community in Ondo League of Imams and Alfas have kicked against all the statutory appointments made by the past and present government in the state, saying all the appointments by the government were lopsided.

The Chairman, League of Imams and Alfas in the state, Sheik Ahmed Aladesawe, who also expressed displeasure about the appointments made so far by Governor Lucky Ayedatiwa, said the governor displayed insensitiveness towards the entire Muslim community.

Aladesawe who stated this during the visit of the governor to the leaders of Muslims in the state, lamented that there were no Muslims in the new appointments made by Governor Ayedatiwa.

The Chairman of League of Imams noted that previous administrations have also strategically and critically marginalized the Muslims in the state, saying they have always been shut out of governance, despite all the pleas from Muslim community.

He pointed out that few Muslims appointed were not given strategic positions, saying Muslims have been reduce to paupers by previous administrations in the state, saying the Muslim community thought Ayedatiwa coming would give the Muslims relief.

The Imam said though the Muslims in the state are well pleased with some of the giant steps taken by Ayedatiwa on some volatile issues since taking over the mantle of leadership in the state.

He listed some of the steps to include; promise to pay some outstanding salaries and wages, quick and prompt approval to pay part of the overdue pension, promise to continue with all the legacy projects Akeredolu, and the immediate ordering back to sites of all contractors among others

But the Chief Imam maintained that: “Previous administrations have strategically and critically marginalized the Muslims of Ondo State. Muslims in Ondo State today have been reduced to sub-human beings. We are not in government, and we are not involved in governance.

“In the administration of Arakunrin Oluwarotimi Odunayo Akeredollu the Muslims are not in any of the ten principal officers of the government: Executive Governor, Deputy Governor, Chief of Staff, Chief Press secretary, Commissioner for Justice and Attorney General, Head of Service, Speaker of the House of Assembly, Deputy Speaker of the House of Assembly and the Chairman of the ruling party I’m the state.

“All efforts to correct this lopsidedness in the then government proved abortive as the then Governor was not ready to correct this marginalization and bring us closer to how the state is governed. We thought your coming would give us salvation.

“The Muslim community of Ondo state is not happy with the tide of your appointments. You have made four cardinal appointments after your swearing-in, and all are people of your faith with no single Muslim.

“Are you saying you cannot find a Muslim in your party cerebral enough to accept even one of those appointments? Are you saying the Muslims are so short of technocrats and intellectuals who can man those offices?

“We as elders are disturbed and our children are restless. Our youth are not happy, but we have to calm them with the assurance that we will meet with you and that we believe you will correct the lopsidedness.

“Ondo state is not a Christian state and any government that quests for peace, stability, and development must recognize the religious diversity of our dear state.

“All the Muslim youth organisation including this August body wrote to you pleading with your excellency to pick one of our best as your deputy to aid you in the administration of this state but alas without any explanation or indulgence, you decided to pick your choice and jettison the over two million Muslim of Ondo State.

“We will advise that Your Excellency should avoid anyone, group, or associations, no matter their religious affiliation, that may suggest or advice Your Excellence not to listen to the Muslim community of Ondo State.

“They are your enemy and the enemy of your party. Your Excellence should not quickly forget what they said and did to President Tinubu and your party in the last general election. Such people are sycophants, they are worse than cancer and are indeed mistletoe who will always perch on any conducive host tree.

“The Muslims have been reduce to pauper by previous administrations. Many of us are very active in your party yet, we are strategically not being engaged nor empowered to part-take in the running of the government so that the strategic and cardinal objective of the “MUSLIM marginalization agenda” can be realised”

In his response, while explaining to the Imams, Ayedatiwa explained that the political appointments made so far had to be done because government has to start running.

He, however, said political interest supersedes religious interest, saying appointment can not be given to those who are not actively involved in politics, maintaining political interest is first considered before religious interest.

Ayedatiwa explained that the appointment of the deputy Governor was distributed to Owo to honour late Akeredolu and the people of Owo while office of the SSG went to Akure because the government is a transitory one to complete the tenure of the ongoing administration.

Ayiedatiwa however, charged the Muslim community to make their demands before appointments are made and assured that government will be mindful of subsequent appointments.

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