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Brotherhood of the Cross commences 23rd coronation anniversary celebration

The Brotherhood of the Cross and Star (BCS) will today commence activities to mark the 23rd coronation anniversary of its Universal Leader, His Holiness, Olumba Olumba Obu.

This is as Olumba Obu, who is also the Supreme Leader of BCS, has called on Nigerian leaders at all levels to return to God for solutions to the myriad of problems confronting the country at this time.

The 23rd coronation anniversary, whose theme is The Divine Assurance of our Existence,” will be held from Friday, April 12th, to Sunday, April 14th, 2024, at the world headquarters of BCS in Calabar

But at a press conference in Port Harcourt organised by the BCS as part of activities to celebrate the event, the Supreme Leader of the BCS, through the Spokesman of the BCS, Christ Shepherd Amah Williams, Olumba, implored the leaders to have the fear of God, noting that they have great roles to play in order to create a society free of crime and economic crisis in the state, country, and world in general.

He added that it was high time the leaders stopped relying on human wisdom, saying that God remained the only solution to the multiple challenges facing the nation.

He also used the medium to call on Nigerians, despite their religious and ethnic differences, to follow the path of unity, love, and harmonious coexistence.

He said, “No individual or faction should stoke the flames of discord or perpetrate violence for any cause, but rather, all ethnic groups should coexist harmoniously as brethren.

“The Universal and Spiritual Leader of the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, His Holiness, Olumba
Olumba Obu, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords warns against the propagation of discord and animosity; religious violence and the promotion of self-interest at the expense of the collective well-being must cease. Instead, this is a moment to relinquish hatred and embrace love, to forsake warfare in favour of peace, and for all governing bodies and institutions to recognise our shared heritage as children of a singular Creator, compelling us to uphold our collective duty to nurture one another.”

He added, “I admonish everyone to lead with the fear of God and to also entrench the concept of servant leadership.

“Rivers State is a state that is immensely loved and blessed by God; therefore, the leaders of this state must realise that they lead a people and that they are not leading for themselves, so they must fulfil the will of God.

“It is not only for Rivers State but for the entire country and the entire world. All those who are privileged today to occupy leadership positions must do so with the fear of God. They should be very conscious of the fact that the rulership of God has been entrenched on earth, and those who do not rule with the fear of God and feel they can silence dissent and rule as it pleases them, their time is up, and the wrath of God will come upon any leader who doesn’t rule with the fear of God.

“Those who govern Nigeria should always know that this country is loved by God, and the spiritual glory of Israel has since moved to Nigeria because Nigeria is now the physical abode of God.

“Just as our Lord Jesus Christ fearlessly confronted the religious and political authorities of His time with unwavering truth, so too do we assert the sovereignty of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, whose reign has commenced. Without fear or favour, the exigency of this moment compels the forthright proclamation of the God of Brotherhood of the Cross and Star as the only solution to humanity’s countless challenges.

“Look at the tumultuous state of the world today; it unequivocally signals the dire consequences of neglecting divine governance and the ordinances of God. Unless our leaders heed this call, they will continue to languish in endless confusion.

“It is imperative to note that this is no time to continue to relish in the already failed human wisdom given the manifold crises plaguing humankind. From the recurrent economic downturn to the proliferation of conflicts and diseases, our leaders must now turn to God for divine guidance.

“Nigerians are encouraged to embrace faith, recognising that through divine intervention, the prevailing turbulence will yield a new era of tranquillity and prosperity. Hence, there is no cause for fear; rather, leaders should seek divine guidance and govern with reverence for God,” he said.



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