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Court Discharges Garnishee Oder Nisi Against Logistics Firm

Justice Akintayo Aluko of a Lagos Federal High Court, has discharged a Garnishee Order Nisi, made against a logistics firm, Ports and Cargo Handling Services Limited.

The judge discharged the order against the Ports and Cargo Han­dling Services Limited, on Wednes­day while delivering ruling on an application for setting aside the or­der, which was made on July 8, 2024, in favour of the Nigeria Engineer­ing Works Limited, the judgment creditor in the suit marked FHC/L/ CS/716/2010.

The judgment creditor, Nige­ria Engineering Works Limited, had dragged the Nigeria Customs Service Board; Comptroller Gen­eral of Customs, and the logistics firm, Ports and Cargo Handling Services Limited, listed as first to third respondents, over alleged in­debtedness.

Dissatisfied with the court or­der nisi, the logistics firm, Ports and Cargo Handling Services Limited, through its lawyer, Kunle Ogunba (SAN) leading Obinna A. Divine, T. O. Ogunba, K. O. Ogunba and Oludare Amusan, approached the court, to set aside the order.

The logistics firm approached the federal High Court for setting aside the garnishee order Nisi, with a motion on notice pursuant to Order 26 of the High Court Of Lagos State {Civil Procedure Rules 2009, and under the court’s inherent jurisdiction.

The logistics firm also listed the following grounds, for court to set aside the garnishee order Nisi: “that this Court handed down Judg­ment’ in favour of the Judgment Creditor in this suit on the 13th day of March, 2024.

“Being dissatisfied with the Judgment of the court delivered on the 13th day of March, 2024, the 3rd Judgment Debtor prompt­ly appealed the said Judgment to the Court of Appeal, particularly filing its Notice of Appeal against the said Judgment on the 22nd day of April, 2024.

“The 3rd Judgment Debtor in addition, compiled and transmitted the Record of Appeal to the Court of Appeal on the 20th day of June, 2024. And that the 3rd Judgment Debtor ensured the diligent pros­ecution of its Appeal by ensuring its Notice of Appeal (filed on the 224 day of April, 2024) was served on the Judgment Creditor on the 2nd day of May, 2024.

“Though the 3rd Judgment Debtor filed an application for stay of execution which was dismissed, the Applicant’s appeal was duly en­tered at the registry of the Court of Appeal, thus conferring only on the Court of Appeal, the jurisdiction to entertain anything regarding the matter, including processes towards executing the judgment.

“Notwithstanding, its aware­ness and knowledge of the 3rd Judgment Debtor’s Appeal, the Judgment Creditor (Nigeria En­gineering Works Limited) subse­quently sought to execute the Judg­ment of this honourable court, and particularly filed a garnishee ex-parte application on the 5th day of July, 2024.

“The judgment creditor delib­erately concealed the facts of the pendency of the 3rd Judgment Debtor’s Appeal (particularly the 3rd Judgment Debtor’s Notice of Appeal filed on the 22nd day of April, 2024) from this Honourable Court, despite having been earlier served with the Judgment Credi­tor’s Notice of Appeal against the Judgment of this Honourable Court on 2nd day of May, 2024.

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