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BREAKING: Mazi Afam Osigwe, SAN, Sworn In as 32nd NBA President, Unveils Agenda for Proactive Bar

Mazi Afam Osigwe, SAN, has been sworn in as the 32nd President of the Nigerian Bar Association in Lagos.

Osigwe takes over from Mr Yakubu Maikyau, SAN, whose tenure ended today.

In his inaugural speech, Osigwe stated that under his watch, the NBA will hold the federal and state governments to account.

Below is the full text of the Inaugural Speech of Mazi Afam Osigwe SAN, President of the Nigerian Bar Association




Our Mandate

I stand before you today filled with a profound sense of gratitude and humility as I accept the enormous responsibility and honour of serving as the 32nd President of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA). This moment is not just a personal milestone but a testament of the collective will of the esteemed members of our noble Association and its unwavering commitment to the principles of justice, equity, and the rule of law. You have reposed a lot of responsibilities on us: I and other members of the National Executive Committee, by electing us to steer the affairs of our Association for the next two years. We are profoundly grateful for the trust and confidence you have placed in us. The mandate you have given us clearly shows that power comes from God and that He gives it to whom He pleases. We therefore give God all the glory for giving us the grace to serve the members of our Association at a time such as this. We gather here today to witness the change of guard in the leadership of our great Association, a change that we believe will usher us into an era of greatness.

Our assumption of office as National Officers of NBA is a product of the free and fair election conducted by the Electoral Committee of the Nigerian Bar Association (ECNBA). By the outcome of the elections, we are all winners. There are no losers. I therefore urge us to moderate not only our celebration but also our utterances in felicitating the successful candidates as well as our supporters. I do so, not because we are not entitled to celebrate our victory as a product of the will of our members freely expressed in the elections; I do so as a way of seeking to unite our members after the elections in order for us to collectively work towards achieving the enormous task ahead of us. We should therefore not celebrate in a manner that may further polarise the Bar. The election is over. It is now time to work together to build a Bar that represents what we all believe in. We therefore need all hands on deck.

By the election, our Association has once again demonstrated its leadership role as the leading professional body in Nigeria and its ability to set the pace for the nation and other professional bodies. The election also expressed the commitment of the NBA to showcase an exemplary electoral process which outcome does not divide but continue to unite our members towards achieving our common purpose. Contesting for the NBA Presidency against my friends and brothers, Chukwuka Ikwuazom, SAN and Tobenna Erojikwe, was a very difficult decision. As friends and brothers, we undertook our campaigns with mutual respect. I commend their decorum and decency during the electioneering campaign process. Now that the election has come and gone, we need to move on as members of the noble profession and work together for the common good of the Bar and our members. I extend my hands of fellowship to them, to please join hands with me in working for overall interest of the NBA.

My Team-Mates

I must congratulate the gentlemen (and ladies) who along with me, have been entrusted with the onerous responsibility of steering the ship of our noble Association for the next two years. We now constitute the National Executive Committee of NBA. I need not remind us that our colleagues at the Bar and indeed the society at large look up to us to lift the Bar to a higher pedestal than we met it, as we variously promised in our election manifestoes. Our promise to run a united and inclusive Bar is a task that must be accomplished. Our efforts must at all times not only be geared towards keeping the Bar united, but moving it forward. We have a duty to enhance the welfare of our members, protect them in the practice of our profession, reinvigorate public confidence in our profession and ensure that we give back to the society which not only looks up to us but has been good to us as legal professionals.

I pray for the wisdom from God in the discharge of our duties as National Officers of the NBA. I trust in God that with His wisdom guiding us, there would be no divisiveness, working at cross-purposes or infighting in the NBA National Executive Committee of our tenure in office. I pray that peace and brotherly love will guide all our actions and interactions so that we can, together, deliver on our promises and leave the Association better than we have met it.

God has a purpose in making it possible for us to serve together in the same National Executive Committee of the NBA. In serving together, we should strive to foster life-long friendships and relate as a family. I therefore urge us to join hands to work together for the continuous development of our profession and in the best interest of the NBA.


A Call to Duty in Challenging Times

We are elected into office at a time when our dear nation, Nigeria, stands at a very critical moment in its history and evolution. We face a multitude of challenges, ranging from issues of administration of justice and the rule of law. to socio-economic problems. As legal practitioners, we occupy a unique position in society, one that enables us to effect positive changes in society and to uphold the principles of justice, equity, and fairness. We must ensure that the law serves all Nigerians, irrespective of their background, status or affiliation.

Under my watch, the NBA shall hold Governments at all levels accountable, including and especially the Federal and State Governments. We will work towards ensuring that Government policies and programmes meet the yearnings and aspirations of our people, as they relate to the provision of good governance, transparency in financial expenditures, reducing drastically the cost of governance and ensuring that the welfare of our people is given topmost priority. We will strive to ensure that Government responds appropriately to the challenges of security of lives and properties, respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms, the provision of gainful employment and all the basic amenities of life, especially food, shelter, clothing, qualitative and affordable education, healthcare, and other infrastructure as well as access to justice.

As we take on the mantle of leadership, we are well aware of the enormous responsibilities that lie ahead. We are optimistic. We know that with your support and co-operation, we will meet the challenges head-on and transform them into opportunities for the growth and progress of our members.

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