
Why business managers should leverage PESTEL tool for business success – Expert

A strategic communications expert, Oluwatobiloba Akerele, has tasked business managers with leveraging the PESTEL tool to achieve business success.

PESTEL is a management consulting tool to analyse a business or organisation’s political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors.

Akerele advanced the imperativeness of PESTEL after being awarded the fellowship of the Institute of Management Consultants (IMC) in Nigeria.

Speaking after receiving the award for July, Akerele said business managers and communication professionals can use the PESTEL tool to gain insights into the external business environment, identify potential opportunities and threats, respond to changes in the external environment, and develop strategies for sustained success.

She added that the tool can also be used to navigate the complexities of the external environment, manage successful communication strategies, and achieve success across major corporate indicators.

She added that the tool had proven to be a successful management consulting intervention to analyze macro-forces in the business environment and engender business success.

Akerele stressed that business managers and communication professionals must understand political dynamics to navigate the intricate web of government policies and regulations to ensure seamless communication, especially during elections or government transition periods.

Furthermore, she noted the importance of having economic insights and understanding economic forces to thrive amid shifting market conditions, inflation, and economic fluctuations. 

PESTEL, if adopted, she noted, is key to tap into social and cultural shifts, adapting messages to local sensibilities and crafting campaigns that resonate with target audiences.

She added that business managers must also leverage digital transformation to achieve the best results and ensure adherence to legal frameworks to protect corporate image.

Furthermore, she emphasised the environmental imperative for business managers and professionals to communicate corporate responsibility and sustainability by integrating environmental considerations into communication campaigns, raising awareness, and driving behaviour change towards sustainable practices for an eco-conscious brand.

Akerele received the award in recognition of her sterling professional qualities, communication prowess, and positive attitude toward promoting excellence and integrity, outstanding professional excellence throughout her career.

Director General of IMC Nigeria, Professor David Iorem, congratulated Akerele on her achievement, stating that the fellowship award is a testament to her expertise and dedication to advancing the management consulting profession.

Iorem explained that the award recognized Akerele’s sterling professional qualities, communication prowess, and positive attitude toward promoting excellence and integrity.

Akerele has over a decade of progressive experience in providing integrated marketing communications solutions for organizations across sectors and developing winning communications strategies for global health projects. 

In her acceptance statement, Akerele expressed her excitement about the opportunity to contribute to the growth and development of the Institute of Management Consultants and collaborate with other Fellows on advancement initiatives. 

She affirmed her commitment to upholding the highest standards of professionalism and ethical conduct in her work and promoting the values and objectives of the Institute.

The Institute of Management Consultants in Nigeria is a professional body established to promote excellence and integrity in the management consulting profession.

. TheWitness