About Us

The Witness Newspaper is a reputable media outlet based in Nigeria, delivering news through both traditional tabloid and online platforms. Our primary objective is to provide our readers with accurate and unbiased information on events within Nigeria and across the globe.

Our coverage spans a wide spectrum of topics, including News, Business, Politics, Society, Health, Investigation, Entertainment, and Sports. As our name suggests, our primary focus is on events and developments in Nigeria, but we also keep a keen eye on global happenings, ensuring we report interesting news as it unfolds. You can access our online edition at www.thewitness.com.ng.

Our guiding principles are rooted in our core values:

1. Integrity: We uphold the highest standards of honesty and ethics in our reporting.

2. Excellence: We strive for excellence in every aspect of our work, from research to storytelling.

3. Service: Our commitment is to serve our readers by providing valuable, informative content.

4. Professionalism: We maintain professionalism in all our interactions and operations.

5. Creativity: We embrace creativity to deliver engaging and insightful news to our audience.

Our vision is clear:

Vision Statement: Within five years of operation, we aim to be among the top five leading newspapers in Nigeria.

Our mission is equally ambitious:

Mission Statement: We aspire to create a world-class newspaper that wields significant influence within Nigeria, boasting an unrivaled distribution network and a strong online presence with active subscribers both at home and in the Diaspora.