
Be entrepreneurs, actualise Nigeria’s industrial revolution, Bauchi Gov charges corps members

Bauchi State Governor, Sen Bala Mohammed Abdulkadir, has urged Corps members posted to the state for the mandatory One year service to remain focused and equip themselves to be entrepreneurs that would actualise the much-desired industrial revolution of the country.


The Governor also called on the medical Corps members to post to their various places of primary assignment to help the state government provide quality medical services to the people of their host communities.


Bala Mohammed made the call during the closing ceremony of the 2023 Batch B Stream II Orientation course held at the state Permanent Orientation Camp in Wailo, Ganjuwa Local Government Area of the state.



He said that this is imperative as his administration is committed to improving the standard of living of the citizens of the state through the sustained implementation of people-oriented programmes and policies.


Represented by his Deputy, Rt Hon Muhammad Auwal Jatau, the Governor said that, “You are therefore expected to brace up and be prepared to join hands with the Government in providing qualitative medical services.”


He added that “You are also to be ready to provide quality education, social, physical development as well as promotion and fostering of Information Communication Technology knowledge among the youths.”


According to him, “We will not spare any effort in ensuring that your proven competence and creative energies are fully harnessed and channeled towards making Bauchi State the pride of the Nation.”


Bala Mohammed added that the government is committed to ensuring they become self-reliant after their service year if they choose to remain in the state and live.


Earlier, the Bauchi State Coordinator of NYSC, Mrs Rifkatu Yakubu, urged the Corps members to integrate into their host communities through learning their languages and cultures.


She also advised them to devote time to identifying the felt needs of their host communities and initiate personal and group Community Development Service (CDS) projects that would uplift their living standards.


Rifkatu Yakubu said, “I assure you that your welfare and security are topmost on our priority list.”


The State Coordinator concluded, saying, “We have sustained our liaison with security agencies and other stakeholders to ensure your safety and make essential provisions that will enable you to have a fulfilling service year.”


Some corps members expressed their readiness to give their best during the service, saying that what they met on the ground on arrival was quite different from the stories they had before.

. TheWitness