
Plateau APC to PDP: Desist from acts capable of promoting violence

The All Progressive Congress (APC) in Plateau State has charged the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) to accept the judgment of the National Assembly Election Tribunal in good faith and desist from acts capable of promoting violence in the state.

Addressing newsmen in Jos, the State Publicity Secretary of the APC, Hon. Slyvanus Namang, cautioned against what he called reckless press statements and state-sponsored protests aimed at distracting and diverting attention by whipping up ill-motivated sentiments against judges of the Election Petitions Tribunal in the state.

He stated that the APC members were compelled, as bona fide citizens of Plateau State, to react to these spurious allegations, feeble bravados, and vituperations by some individuals and groups whose desperation for power has reached a high pitch.

Namang narrated that before Justice B.M. Tukur-led Tribunal’s meticulous, fair, and just pronouncements, there were previous judgments by the Second Tribunal presided over by Justice Rotimi Williams, who ruled against the APC and Labour Party in spite of overwhelming evidence and the established position of the law.

According to him, nothing can be more threatening to democracy than when political parties and the government, which are supposed to guard and protect culture and norms, embark on sponsoring ill-motivated protests against judicial decisions and judgments.

Namang, therefore, called on the Tribunal Judges to remain resilient, focused, and committed to their responsibility of dispensing law and justice.

“APC has affirmed that, as firm believers in constitutionalism, democracy, and the rule of law, they shall do everything possible to ensure that justice takes its full course while calling on the Federal Government and security agencies to quickly intervene in the current attempt to plunge the state into another needless and avoidable cycle of violence and mayhem by especially arresting the ringleaders and perpetrators of these induced protests.”

. TheWitness