
My resignation voluntary, no rift with Gov Soludo — Ex-finance commissioner

Former Anambra State Commissioner for Finance, Mr Ifeatu Onejeme, has debunked viral reports that he resigned his post because of a disagreement with Governor Chukwuma Charles Soludo.

Governor Soludo had formally received Mr Onejeme‘s resignation letter on Thursday, September 14 with lofty remarks and robust commendation for the Commissioner’s contributions to his administration.

However, despite the cordial disengagement, reports had it that the ex-Commissioner had discord with the Anambra State Governor, hence his resignation.

Clearing the air over the insinuations, Mr Onejeme revealed that when he was first appointed by former Governor Willie Obiano, he had planned to stay for only two years but ended up serving the state for the entire eight years of the Obiano administration.

When Governor Soludo was massively elected to succeed Obiano, Mr Onejeme knew he had to make more sacrifices by staying on, in his words, “to help the administration which I know would transform Anambra State to settle in, and this was what I said at the Executive Council valedictory speech.”

According to Onejeme, “I worked to help many of my colleagues and counterparts to settle in because I know what the higher calling is. And when it was done, I felt this was the right time to rejoin my family, and they have been exceedingly happy since the announcement was made. After nine and half years, I think I have contributed my quota.”

Dismissing the viral reports Onejeme said: “I have no fallout with our Governor who is a visionary and transformational leader. In fact, he is a man I have tremendous respect for, who is a mentor to me.

“I had a good relationship with the Governor, a very good relationship, a professional relationship. We also had a very good personal relationship. So what people are writing in the media is wrong. I’m even shocked to read these things.”

Onejeme stressed that he would forever remain a worthy Ambassador of the Governor Soludo administration.

“I am an Ambassador, a very passionate and committed Ambassador of this administration. I believe so much in the Solution Agenda, and so people shouldn’t make that mistake to just misinform and sell falsehood everywhere.”

“Professor Charles Chukwuma Soludo, our Governor, shoots straight. He tells you this is what he’s going to do, and he comes out to do it, and they don’t like it. They like it when you say you are going left, meanwhile you are going right.”

. TheWitness