
Zango Kataf crisis: Records can’t be swept under carpet — Group

The Hausa / Fulani community under the aegis of Zango Kataf Urban Community Development Association (ZUCODA) in Zango Kataf local government area of Kaduna has said the records of Zango Kataf crisis of 1992 are there for everyone to see and it can not be swept under the carpet.

ZUCODA was reacting to a  recent interview by General Zamani Lekwot with a national daily where he was quoted as saying that he was framed up for a crime, he never committed.

But the Hausa/Fulani community of Zango Kataf insisted that it was unfortunate for a man of his standing (retired General ) to try to twist the event of the 1992 crisis after three decades.

In a statement issued by ZUCODA and signed by its Acting Chairman Board of Trustees, Ibrahim Bismillah and made available to the newsmen in Kaduna on Friday asserted that ” the people of Zango Kataf especially the Hausa-Fulani community would like to wonder what exactly did you(Lekwot ) set out to achieve by this interview at this critical time when the country is desperately searching for peaceful -co-existence amongst it’s people.

The community noted that while they’re not trying to open a retrial of the 1992 crisis, but “we have enough records in our archives to enlighten the public of the roles played by all the parties to know the truth”.

It also added;” lt is pertinent to our Hausa Fulani community to correct any misrepresentations or mischief from any quarters in the public domain with the fear of Allah”.

The group, however, counselled the retired General “to desist from granting interview on the Zango Kataf crisis because the more you speak on it , will reawaken sleeping victims and open the wound of grief, sorrow and tears yet to heal.

Failure to adhere to this advice according to the statement will  prompt the community to open up on the role he (Lekwot) played with concrete evidences, it declared.