
N25,000 low-grade workers’ wage increase not enough, CDCs, groups tell Tinubu

Leaders of Community Development Committees, rights groups, politicians and other Nigerians have reacted to the subsidy palliative and economic intervention plans announced by President Bola Tinubu on Sunday.

In his Independence Day nationwide broadcast on October 1, President Tinubu announced a monthly wage increase of N25, 000 for average low grade workers for the next six months as subsidy palliative allowance.

The president also emphasized other plans of his administration to stabilize the country’s economy, direct fiscal and monetary policy to fight inflation, encourage production, ensure security of lives and property and lend more support to the poor and the vulnerable.

Meanwhile, some Nigerians have kicked against the new wage adjustment of N25,000, saying it is not enough to lessen the hardship Nigerians are being faced with daily.

According to them, Nigerians need interventions that would bring about reduction in pump price, fix roads and modern public transportation systems.

Chairman, Community Development Committee, Ikorodu LG, Lagos State, Alhaji Lukman Sonibare opined that with the wage increase, the economic hardship would persist.

He wants an improved security and road network system; reduced fuel price and modern public transportation system. Fixing this, he argued, will reduce the burden and economic hardship on Nigerians. 

He said, “I just want the government to know that wage increase or loans to market men and women as subsidy palliatives cannot solve the hardship on ground.

“With the announcement of a N25,000 wage increase, the hardship will still remain. What will happen to those Nigerians that are not on monthly wage? The government should do everything within its powers to reduce the pump price of petroleum.

“The government should create more employment. If more jobs are created the number of unemployed youths would reduce and this will reflect on internal security as crime rate would also be minimal.

“The money expended on wage increase should be used to fix bad roads and purchase commercial buses and other infrastructures. If roads are good and transport fares are at affordable rates, there won’t be any need for Nigerians to experience any hardship because bulk of the money we earn is spent on transportation and food.

“For us here in Ikorodu, our economy has gone down drastically because of the poor state of roads in the community. The Ikorodu to Gberigbe link road is in terrible shape. 

“Now a federal worker living in that axis and has just had N25,000 wage increase on a daily basis would have to pay N1000 commuting from Ikorodu to Gberigbe, how far can the N25,000 go? Before the subsidy removal, commuting from Ikorodu to Gberigbe was N200 now it’s N1000. It is certain that the N25, 000 wage increase will go on transportation alone.

“The government needs to fix road infrastructures. Residents in Imota now find it difficult to connect to Ikorodu. Journeying from Sabo to Imota was less than 20 minutes but now it takes more than 3hours all because of bad roads.

“And this is the situation across major cities in Nigeria. If roads are fixed, security improved, pump prices are reduced, jobs are created and public transportation are accessible and affordable, there will be no need for wage increase that has no significant impact on the hardship Nigerians are facing. Will that be enough to cater for him and his family?”   

Chairman, Badagry Local Government, CDC, Ebenezer Kuponu commended Tinubu for the subsidy palliative while appealing to the federal government to consider the plights of pensioners, private workers and prioritise internal security.

He said, “The wage increase isn’t enough as subsidy palliative. It was announced for workers in the lower echelon of federal employment only but what about pensioners and those that are in private employment? It is said that Rome wasn’t built in a day. I commend President Tinubu on his subsidy intervention but it is not enough to alleviate current hardship.

“The government should focus on creating employment and importantly, reduce pump price and fix bad roads across the country. Also, President Tinubu needs to end terrorism and banditry that has adversely affected farming in the Northeast. I think doing this will reduce the hardship and end food insecurity of Nigerians.”

For the Convener, Southern Youth Development Forum, Pastor Bassey James, President Bola Tinubu has to do more in addressing the hardship of Nigerians.

According to him, the economic hardship many Nigerians are currently experiencing far outweighs the announced N25, 000 wage increase for federal workers.

Similarly, a group campaigning for positive political change and gender parity, the Transformation Ambassadors (TTA) has urged President Tinubu to avert the looming NLC/TUC nationwide start slated for October 3.

Convener of the group, Femi Omojuwa, wondered why the president was silent about the strike in his nationwide Independent Day broadcast.

According to him, the strike action if embarked upon would further cripple the economy and inflicted more hardship on Nigerians.

Meanwhile, Executive Chairman, Itire-Ikate LCDA, Hon. (Dr) Ahmed Olarewaju Apatira has called on political and religious leaders, irrespective of political affiliation, to join hands in rebuilding the country for future generations.

While commending President Tinubu for his economic interventions, Dr Apatira enjoined Nigerians to remain hopeful despite the economic challenges, adding, “with unity of purpose, commitment, sacrifice, hard work and patriotism we shall overcome our current challenges.” 

Dr. Apatira, who noted that while it may seem like all is bleak and gloomy at the moment, Nigerians will soon begin to smile in appreciation when fruits of the structures being put in place by the present administration under the leadership of President Bola Ahmed Tinubu begin to manifest. 

The council boss said, “History has shown that many nations have passed through even more tumultuous and difficult periods in their journey to greatness and nationhood but they overcame.

“Ours cannot be different and Nigeria won’t be an exception so long as we remain committed to building a prosperous and strong democratic nation where opportunities abound for all.

“As leaders, we are ever ready to make the much needed and necessary sacrifice to help take the country out of the present post-fuel Subsidy removal effect and build a strong economy.

“Democracy offers nothing other than liberty and freedom for citizens to realize their God-given talents and potentials which can be harnessed into building a greater society.”

. TheWitness