
Nigeria@63: Exercise justice, fairness in your actions, Kano gov tasks FG

Kano state governor, Alhaji Abba Kabir Yusuf, in his message to commemorate the country’s Independence Day anniversary, has called on the federal government to exercise justice and fairness in whatever actions have been taken in running affairs of the country.

Making this assertion on Sunday at Sani Abba Stadium (SAS) Kano, Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf also urged Nigerians to have hope that the nation will be great despite the daunting challenges facing it.

He said the people of Kano voted for the New Nigeria People Party( NNPP) and they should be allowed to enjoy the government they cast their vote for during the March governorship election.

Alhaji Yusuf then assured the gathering that his government will serve the teeming populace without fear or favour but in accordance with the rules and regulations, promising that he will not fail them.

According to him, “our cohesion and unity ought to have been stronger than what it is today. Our security and stability ought to have been better than what it is today.

“The challenges of unemployment and youth restiveness must be given more attention; the challenges of insecurity and poverty must be attended to with sincerity.”

He added that the challenges bedeviling education provision and healthcare services must be genuinely attended to; and the challenges of hunger and malnutrition must be tackled compassionately.

Gov Yusuf said: “Kano State, we are determined to look to the future with hope, belief and careful plans devoid of the encumbrances of the burden of the past. We are working deliberately to break away from the circle of despair, poverty, insecurity and youth restiveness, all of which are products of bad leadership. 

“Our country today, 63 years after independence, has recorded some progress, but we ought to have done much better. Our founding fathers have laid the foundation for a nation on the principles of fairness, equity, justice and progress. 

“These are the fulcrum upon which any progressive and prosperous society is built. 

“At this moment of reflection, we must recognize and salute the efforts of all our previous leaders that contributed their quota in keeping our country united and catalyzing our development to where we are today.

“It is only rational to also recognize that arising from some policy choices of some of our past leaders, our development and growth ought to have gone beyond where we are today. 

“What we celebrate today is the fact that we are a sovereign nation experimenting liberal democracy. We are celebrating our identity as Nigerians sharing common citizenship, having equal opportunities, enjoying equal rights and responsibilities, and pursuing the same dream of building a great and prosperous nation.”

He stated further that October 1 is also a thing  of joy and inspiration “to remind our youth that all the major contributors to Nigeria’s independence struggle played their roles when they were young men and women.

“On occasion like this, we must salute the resilience, intelligence and doggedness of the likes of Malam Aminu Kano, Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balewa, Mallam Sa’adu Zungur, Yusuf Maitama Sule, Chief Anthony Enahoro and Madam Magret Ekpo. 

“We must pay tribute to the commitment, patriotism and the foresight of the likes of Sir Ahmadu Bello, Alhaji Sule Gaya, Herbert Macaulay, Dr. Nmandi Azikiwe, Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Hajiya Gambo Sawaba, Madam Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti, Jaja of Opobo and Sir Kashim Ibrahim. 

“These are the men and women who led the struggle that culminated into the declaration of independence of Nigeria 63 years ago,” he concluded.

. TheWitness