
Sokoto guber: We’ll appeal tribunal’s judgement — PDP 

The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Sokoto State has vowed to appeal the judgement delivered by the Governorship election petitions tribunal in the state on Saturday.

The election petition tribunal in the state had on Saturday in its ruling led by the lead judge, Justice Haruna Msheila, dismissed all the complaints of the PDP and its candidate, Sa’idu Umar, while it affirmed the election of Governor Ahmed Aliyu as the duly elected governor of the state.

The spokesman of the party in the state, Hassan Sahhabi Sanyinawal, in a press statement made available to newsmen in the state on Sunday said the party has given marching order to its legal team on the next line of action.

“We wish to express deep concern about the outcome of the just concluded case at the Governorship Election Petition Tribunal in the state. 

“Even though the PDP is a strict respecter of the judicial process, our party is constrained to entertain serious misgivings on the ruling that has dismissed all the complaints of our party and our candidates, in spite of what we consider to be overwhelming evidence to prove our case.

“The PDP however, wishes to call on its teeming supporters and the entire electorate of Sokoto State, to be calm and law-abiding, as we have consulted with our legal team and have resolved to take the next step of challenging the ruling at the Appeal Court.

“We assure our supporters and the people of Sokoto State that the PDP will  remain committed to the struggle to retrieve their given mandate, through the only civilized instrument of the Judiciary.

“Irrespective of the Tribunal judgement, our party still regards the courts as the last hope of the common man in Nigeria. We therefore enjoin our supporters to remain steadfast in our collective pursuit of justice” he added.

. TheWitness