
We’ve completed 191.97km of roads, 458.43km ongoing — Oyo govt

A total of 191.97 kilometres of roads in Oyo State have been completed by the Governor Seyi Makinde-led administration, while road projects spanning 458.43km are ongoing.

The State Commissioner for Public Works and Transport, Professor Dahud Sangodoyin, made this disclosure at the Omituntun 2.0 Leadership Retreat for members of the Oyo state executive council held on Wednesday at the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan.

Speaking further, Shangodoyin said the state government planned to complete all infrastructure projects started during its first term, among which are the Ogbomoso-Iseyin road, Ibadan Circular Road, the Iwo Road and New Ife Road bus terminals. 

Also during the present term of Makinde, the commissioner added that there was the commitment to develop Ilu Tuntun Business district in Akinyele local government area of the state, rehabilitate and improve maintenance of roads.

Making his presentation at the retreat themed: “Adaptive Leadership Strategies in an Uncertain Time,” Governor Seyi Makinde that noted he was not unaware of the challenges that the state faced in environment, infrastructure persisted.

He, however, stressed that his second term plans contained in the Sustainable Development Agenda 2023-2027, was to sustain strides in the areas of Education, Healthcare, Economy, Security, Infrastructural Development, Tourism and Solid Mineral exploitation.

Makinde, particularly, tasked commissioners and other members of the state executive council on the imperativeness of inter-agency collaboration for effective implementation of his second term plans and programmes of action.

Noting that there may be overlapping responsibilities to implement projects and plans, Makinde cautioned heads of MDAs against fighting for turf or jurisdiction on execution of government projects.

Makinde said his promises to Oyo people can only come to be if the leadership of all Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) bear in mind that the success or failure of one is the success or failure of all.

He decried that some appointees looked after themselves or acted to achieve their selfish objectives at the expense of the state.

Giving his presentation, one of the resource persons, Mr Niyi Yusuf, noted that leaders must have a growth mindset and be keen to improve. 

Speaking on how leaders are bound to constantly face crisis, Yusuf said successful leaders are those that lead with empathy, use soft power, learn through self-correction, take calculated risks and are keen to groom other leaders.

The retreat also saw Commissioner for Culture and Tourism, Dr Wasiu Olatunbosun speak on plans to refurbish the Cultural Centre, Ibadan.

Olatunbosun said this will be achieved through both government funding and Public Private Partnership.

On his part, Commissioner for Finance, Mr Akinola Ojo said the state was keen on having more people, especially those in the informal sector, into that tax net, so as to improve its Internally Generated Revenue (IGR).

He said the state was committed to improving its IGR because the state usually had over a billion deficit every month after expenditure is deducted from its income.

Other commissioners also gave presentations on plans for their ministries during the second term of governor Seyi Makinde.

. TheWitness