
CHOISEUL Laureate Sowemimo Abiodun: Pioneering Africa’s Tech Revolution and Economic Growth

Sowemimo Abiodun, the visionary CEO of Capital MetriQ Swift Bank, infoMetriQ Data Network, iNet Telecommunications, and Vapour Paints, has earned a well-deserved place among Africa’s recognized leaders. His recent accolade as a CHOISEUL 100 Africa Laureate for 2023 is a testament to his enduring commitment to advancing technology’s role in driving Africa’s economic growth.

Abiodun’s journey, marked by his versatile expertise as a tech innovator, financial technologist, and entrepreneur, highlights his pioneering efforts to transform the African tech landscape. However, his impact extends far beyond his individual achievements; he is a catalyst for technological progress on the continent.

Through his leadership in Capital MetriQ Swift Bank, Abiodun is spearheading financial technology solutions that empower Africans with greater access to financial services, thus driving economic inclusion. His commitment to bridging the digital divide in Africa is reflected in his words, “Financial technology is a game-changer for Africa. It brings banking services to the unbanked and revolutionizes how we conduct transactions.”

In the realm of telecommunications, iNet Telecommunications under Abiodun’s guidance has emerged as a key player in reshaping how Africans connect with each other and the global community. Their focus on providing high-speed Wi-Fi services has not only made internet access more accessible but also enhanced education, business, and communication opportunities.

Abiodun’s infoMetriQ Data Network is a testament to his dedication to information technology. This global data system has revolutionized how Africans access and share knowledge. It has facilitated collaboration and innovation on an unprecedented scale, positioning Africa at the forefront of the digital revolution.

Beyond his entrepreneurial endeavors, Abiodun is recognized as a diplomat and advocate for change. His involvement in critical technology and cyber affairs across 54 African countries demonstrates his commitment to shaping technology policy and fostering international cooperation.

Abiodun’s achievements have garnered global recognition, with leaders such as the Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi and President Emmanuel Macron commending his contributions to Africa’s technological advancement.

As Abiodun continues to lead the charge in leveraging technology for Africa’s economic growth, his vision is summed up in his belief that “the future belongs to those who embrace change and innovation.” He stands as a beacon of hope, guiding Africa toward a brighter, more connected, and prosperous future.

In conclusion, Abiodun’s multifaceted role as a tech leader, entrepreneur, and diplomat is instrumental in driving Africa’s economic growth through technology. His recognition as a CHOISEUL 100 Africa Laureate underscores the significance of his contributions, and his tireless efforts continue to shape the continent’s technological landscape for the better.

. TheWitness