
7 ways to start putting yourself first

Putting yourself first is not selfish, but rather necessary for your overall well-being and happiness. In the ever-demanding world we live in today, it’s very easy to forget your own needs while trying to look out for others.

While that’s not bad, remember you can’t pour from an empty cup; hence, your needs are as important as those of others. However, if you are finding it difficult to prioritise your needs, here are seven simple ways to start putting yourself first.

  1. Learn to say ‘No’

You should first and foremost understand that you can’t please everyone all the time; hence, you should learn to set boundaries and say “No” to certain requests that may jeopardize your well-being in any way. That’s not pride. 

  1. Create personal time for yourself

Carve out some time in your schedule, either daily or weekly, that is solely dedicated to doing something you love. Yes, your hubby needs you. In this case, it could be reading, listening to music, dancing, or meditating. Just make sure you schedule that “me” time for yourself. Also, giving priority to self-care in your daily routine is essential. This may include getting enough sleep and eating healthy meals, among others. Yes, pamper yourself in your own ways.

  1. Learn to delegate tasks

There is nothing bad about sharing responsibilities with others. Be it at work or elsewhere, just know all these workloads will continue the next day without you. So, if you find yourself overwhelmed with tasks, learn to delegate some of them to others. It is important to understand that it is not necessary to burn yourself out while trying to do everything alone. 

  1. Ask for help when necessary

You don’t have to be a lone-ranger. Besides, nobody does it all alone. It is completely okay to ask for help when you need it because everyone sometimes needs support from others. You can’t always figure it out yourself every time. When you need help, don’t be shy to reach out to close friends and family, just the same way they normally reach out to you when in need of help.

  1. Engage in regular physical activity

Make sure to exercise regularly because it does wonders for your physical health, helps you feel less stressed, and makes you happier. You can choose an activity like hiking, yoga, or any other that you really enjoy and do it on a regular basis. 

  1. Treat yourself with compassion

Practice self-compassion. Try to always treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would give to your family or friends. Don’t be too hard on yourself when things are not going right and forgive yourself for your mistakes just the same way you would forgive others.

  1. Set goals and pursue your passions

Set important goals for yourself and work towards achieving them. Whether it’s progressing in your job, acquiring new skills, or visiting a desired place, having goals brings you a feeling of purpose and contentment. You should also ensure to eliminate anything that may distract you from achieving your set goals. If things don’t work at your time, reset the time and start again. It’s part of your growth. 

. TheWitness