
Commissioner distributes sanitary pads, others to women in Zamfara

Zamfara State Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development has distributed sanitary pads, disinfectants, toilet soap and pants to women in Bungudu, Gusau and Maru local government areas in the state.

Presenting the items to beneficiaries on Sunday, the Commissioner for Women Affairs and Social Development, Dr Nafisa Muhammad Maradun, called on women and girls across the state to take precautions and always maintain their personal hygiene.

“Maintain cleanliness by using the right menstrual product while observing your menstrual periods,” the Commissioner advised.

“The significance of menstrual hygiene cannot be over emphasized as it is a very crucial part of womens’ health, but usually neglected and undermined by  the society  due to lack of awareness on the negative consequences arising from poor hygiene practices while menstruating.”

Dr. Nafisa explained that infections, cervical cancer, infertility, reproductive and urinary track infections can also result from poor menstrual hygiene which exposed victims to social stigma discrimination and marginalisation in their communities.

She therefore urged the beneficiaries to maintain cleanliness at all times, especially while menstruating and ensure proper sensitisation of young and adolescent girls in their families on the necessity of observing menstrual hygiene.

The Commissioner was represented at the distribution centers by Director of Gender, Hafsatu Shehu Kakale; Director Child Development, Hauwa’u Tukur; Director Administration, Aina’u Sani Ahmed; Director Social, Lubabatu Jabbe Maradun and Director planning Research and Statistics, Sadiya Shehu Kaura.

. TheWitness