
Coalition backs minister on implementation of Executive Order 5

Science and Technology Advocacy Initiative, (SYNTECH) a coalition of NGOs, has commended the call by the Minister of Science, Technology & Innovation (STI), Mr Uche Nnaji for full implementation of the Federal Government’s Executive Order No 5, aimed at propelling the country in the direction of industrialisation, innovation and technological advancement.

Speaking recently with Journalists in Abuja, Nigeria’s capital, Uche Nnaji emphasised that Order 5 puts emphasis on the utilisation of Science, technology and innovation instruments and platforms for viable and sustainable economic growth and rapid transformation of the national economy.

The Minister said the order aligned with the 8-point Renewed Hope Agenda of President, Bola Tinubu.

Order 5 was signed in 2018, according to Nnaji is a transformative policy designed to drive innovation, promote science and technology, and catalyse Nigeria’s economic diversification, technological advancement, promotion of domestic and foreign investments.

The National Co-ordinator of SYNTECH, a Non-governmental Coalition, Engr. Faith Nwadishi while reacting to the Minister’s remarks said that the pronouncement was “a bold step on the right direction, adding that it will serve as catalyst for advancing Science, Technology and Innovation adoption and adaptation utilization for building genuine local capacity for the development of both human and material resources of the country.
“Nobody climbs a tree from the top. The development of any country must start from the home front, making its way up the ladder for sustainable growth and development,” Nwadishi said.

She added that: “Kick-starting economic transformation with the instruments of Science, Technology, and Innovation holds the fundamental keys and road map to Nigeria’s growth and development. It is in the regard that SYNTECH wishes to express its unalloyed determination to build the needed synergy with the Ministry of Science, Technology, Innovation (STI) and other stakeholders to enable Nigeria meet up with the rest of the world in the spheres of science and technology.”

Speaking further, Nwadishi said, “SYNTECH believes the long awaited policy trust needed to build effective collaboration and partnership has been given by the Presidential Order No.5, so the nation, stakeholders, research institutions, development partners and Civil Societies cannot afford to keep silent anymore, but to join forces with the government to develop home-grown capacity to redesign, reproduce and duplicate any infrastructure to achieve Made-in-Nigeria goods and services.”

Realising that the STI had been a neglected sector since the nation’s 63 year of independence, SYNTECH, said it had resolved not only to speak and advocate promotion of the sector, but it will carry out projects and programmes including policy initiatives to assist the Ministry and governments, stakeholders in the areas of awareness creation, building of national consensus on the relevance of science & technology optimization in order to tackle unemployment and poverty amongst Nigerians.

The National Co-ordinator said the group, which is non-partisan, is committed to change the sad narrative of neglect of the Science, Technology and Innovation component of Nigeria’s development master plan and implementation within the nation’s political economy, while also expressing optimism to ultimately attract national and international recognitions leading to the growth of domestic products and services in Nigeria.

“Our mission is to participate in all activities aimed at enhancing quality of lives of fellow citizens.We are determined to engage institutions and to carry out actions amongst the general populace, using informed analysis, recommendations and programmes channelled towards poverty eradication, promotion of a viable political economy direction and for the general development of our society” she stated.

. TheWitness