
Ondo: Security operatives seal off PDP’s secretariat over planned protest

Security operatives from Ondo state on Monday morning cordoned the State Secretariat of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) to prevent PDP youths from protesting over the governor’s continued absence, Rotimi Akeredolu.

The security operatives who arrived at the party Secretariat as early as 6 a.m. prevented staff and members of the party from gaining entrance into the premises while about 17 patrol vehicles were strategically positioned around the entrance of the party secretariat.

Nigerian Tribune gathered that the presence of the security men at the PDP secretariat is not unconnected with the planned protest of PDP youths against the continued absence of Akeredolu in the state.

The leader of the youth, Tayo Oluyi, while speaking with newsmen, who frowned over the presence of the security men at the PDP secretariat, expressed dismay over attempts to gag opposition in the state.

He alleged that the APC-led government was using security operatives to forcefully halt the planned protest against the governor after officially intimate security about the peaceful protest.

He maintained that the protesters are simply exercising their constitutional rights as enshrined in the constitution of the country, saying the constitution gives room to them to express displeasure on any policies of government.

Oluyi said “It is no longer gain saying that there has been a vacuum of leadership in Ondo state in the last nine months. We could all recollect that sometimes in April, the Ondo people are agitated about Akeredolu’s state of health, and that was what led to Akeredolu handing over to his deputy governor as Acting governor.

“But in the last 32 days that the governor returned to Nigeria from his medical leave in Germany,  we have not sighted the governor in the state, yet we have heard of the governor attending to official duties. We have heard that the governor passed an important bill into law and is doing all these in a proxy.”

Speaking on the presence of the security men at the PDP secretariat, Oluyi said, “We were really embarrassed because the security agencies were fully notified because we don’t want a situation where PDP will be responsible for a breakdown of law and order.

“But to our surprise, we saw security agencies with Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) and their vehicles with about 400 personnel armed to the teeth at the front of our secretariat, and we were asking them what they were doing here, but they said they don’t want us to enter.

“After some time, they allowed us to gain access, but some of our staff were asked to leave the office. All the youth that were supposed to participate in the peaceful protest were outside.”

Oluyi said “all we’ve asked for is very simple. Where is Governor Oluwarotimi Akeredolu? He was elected the Governor of Ondo State, but he failed four years, and the second term is going without result.

“Even if he’s not going to do anything, let him come to Ondo State. If he’s not capable of ruling again, let him resign honorably. So, we are asking Akeredolu to resign or he resumes. We can no longer continue like this. We are the voice of the people, we are the voice of the masses.

“We are saying, Mr Governor must resume duty, he can no longer govern us by proxy, we can no longer be hearing that he’s one thing or the other when we’ve not sighted him. We know the governor we have, if he’s truly fit, we would have sighted him in the streets of Akure”

“The youth wing of the party is giving Mr Governor the next 24 hours to address the people of Ondo State and we are giving him three days ultimatum resume back to the state.

“We’ve been seeing series of responses from the APC that the governor will join us in days time. We are giving him three days ultimatum to address us and if he fails, we as the opposition party will occupy the streets of Akure and we will continue to demand that he either resume or resign”

Meanwhile, the state Police Command said the security men were drafted to the PDP secretariat,  venue of the protest, to maintain law and order

The Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) Funmi Odunlami,  who disclosed this while speaking with newsmen said the drafting of security men became imperative as the organisers of the protest failed to inform the command properly.

Odunlami said “This morning, policemen actually sent some of its personnel to the place to maintain law and orders. On Friday we got a kind of anonymous letter stating that some people wants to protest and the letter came in without letter-head, no details of those that wanted to embark on the protest.

“The letter was signed by one Akintayo Oluyi and from our background check, we are not sure whether he is the youth leader of the party or a member of the party

“So for the safety of the party involved we just felt to mobilize our men to maintain law and orders in case of anything. This is because we don’t want a situation whereby people will just take themselves to the streets and at the end of the day people will deny that they are not the one.

Meanwhile, the PDP Publicity Secretary,  Kennedy Peretei,  condemned the presence of security operatives at the PDP secretariat,  saying the ruling party has employed the security men to intimidate the PDP youths from protesting against Akeredolu absence.

Peretei said “as early as 6am this morning, a combined team of Police, SSS men and Anti-cultists Unit of the Nigerian Police stormed the Ondo State PDP Secretariat with Amourned Personnel Carrier (APC), more than eight Hilux vehicles and nearly 400 men in all to seal off the secretariat in order to stall a PDP Youth Wing protest to demand the whereabouts of Ondo State Governor, Rotimi Akeredolu who has not been seen in Ondo State since April this year.

“Even staff of the secretariat were denied access to their offices. The stern-looking officers offered no explanations. However, it took frantic efforts of members of the PDP State Working Committee before the secretariat gate was opened amidst serious tension and confrontation.

“Journalists were threatened to stop recording anything lest, their cameras were smashed. But as the PDP youths forced themselves into the secretariat, proceeding on a street protest would amount to daring the trigger-happy police to do their worst.

“As much as the officers tried to stop the protest, they failed because the youths displayed their banners and placards to Journalists who gained entrance into the secretariat.

“As we speak, the policemen are still in front of the secretariat with their vehicles. I want to use this medium to appeal to the Inspector General of the Nigerian Police and the Commissioner of Police, Ondo State Command to immediately withdraw their men from our secretariat.

“We cannot be intimidated by security agents who are paid with taxpayers’ money. We have the right to demand for the whereabouts of the governor if he is missing in action. Let it be known to all, that we shall continue to demand for Akeredolu to resume or resign until either is achieved”

Meanwhile, a group, Ondo Masses Solidarity Movement (MSM) has pointed an accusing finger to the embattled deputy governor of the  state, Lucky Aiyedatiwa, accusing him of being behind the aborted protest of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) slated for today.

The group in a statement signed by its coordinator, Chief Jeremaih Ogunyemi Jeremiah said Aiyedatiwa had been reaching out to opposition parties and youths to occupy the street of Akure and protest against the governor.

Ogunyemi said the protest was meant to incite crisis in the state and derail the impeachment process of the deputy governor and said “we have it on good authority that the deputy governor instigated the protest and had already sponsored some youths to join the protest.

“A meeting was held at a hotel in Alagabaka, Akure  last night where money was shared among the youths.

“As stakeholders in this state and voice of the masses, we condemn in strong terms, the activities of the embattled deputy governor. We are astonished by the actions of the deputy governor and his resolve to set the state on fire.

“We appreciate the security agencies for rising up to the occasion. We are aware that the protest would have led to wanton destruction of properties and people’s lives.

“Part of the plans which was foiled by the security agencies was that the protesters would set a petrol- filled tanker on fire within the state capital. They had also planned to raze down the House of Assembly complex

“The planned protest was never in the interest of the masses. The masses are receiving their palliative and also enjoying their thriving sales due to the regular payment of salaries and leave bonus in the state.

“We are calling on well-meaning Nigerians and people of the state to warn the deputy governor to desist from these attempts to set our dear state on fire. We should learn from history and guide against any act that will bring our state into jeopardy.

“Where were these people when the masses needed a voice? Where were they when we were faced with insecurity and became helpless even in our own homes. Where were they when Governor Rotimi Akeredolu was facing the federal government and speaking for the people of Southwest and Southern Nigeria.

“We are convinced that this induced protest is not in the interest of the masses. We will not fold our arms and allow a group of people who were motivated by few cash to interrupt the relative peace in the state.

. TheWitness