
Four kinds of people you should date 

It’s a few months to the end of 2023, and you still wonder why you have not met a good person to do matching pyjamas with. Well, here are a few tips about the quality of people you should date as you move on from your past sour relationships.

  1. Kind people

Prioritise kindness in choosing who you agree to date. They can be rich, poor, tall/short, dark/handsome, but they should never lack kindness. How do you know if someone is kind? You should know by the way they treat you and others. A kind person will treat others well just as they would treat you. 


  1. Loveable people

A loveable person is someone easy to like because they have a friendly and attractive disposition to them. Anyone who is not loveable is likely going to treat only themselves well. You can’t force someone to embrace this trait. If you desire to love and be loved, a loveable person is your best bet.


  1. Honest people 

One of the bedrocks of a good relationship is honesty. An honest person would constantly choose to tell you the truth. A relationship built on lies will breed distrust and negativity. Date someone who is honest, and you’ll have peace of mind. 


  1. Emotionally intelligent people

Emotionally intelligent people are thoughtful and graceful. You don’t want to date someone emotionally immature. It will rub off on you regardless of how smart you might be. 

Finally, the list is not limited to these attributes; however, it can serve as a primary guide to other important traits you should look out for. It is never too late to choose the right people to date. 

. TheWitness