
Customs service records 66.5% increase in monthly revenue collection between July and October 2023

The Nigerian Customs Service (NCS) has announced that it recorded an impressive 66.5% surge in revenue collection in four months, between July and October 2023.

The Comptroller-General of Nigeria Customs Service, Mr Adewale Adeniyi, made the declaration on Wednesday in Abuja at a national workshop on legislative compliance, themed, “The imperatives of legislative compliance in deepening democracy and good governance’’.

According to Adeniyi, the service collected an average revenue of N202 billion in the first half of the year, but by October, the monthly revenue collected had reached N333.9 billion, showing a 65.5 per cent increase.

The Comptroller-General of Nigeria Customs Service attributed the surge in revenue collection to the partnership of the service and the National Assembly that led to the review and enhancement of tariff structures and regulations.

Adeniyi also noted that the NCS had managed to optimise revenue collection and ensured that funds were available for national development projects.

Speaking on challenges that beset the Customs Service, Adeniyi mentioned budgetary constraints as a major issue that has limited the service’s capacity to enforce compliance.

He explained that budgetary limitations affected the acquisition of modern technology and the organisation of training and recruitment of personnel required for effective enforcement.

Furthermore, the Customs Service boss emphasised that inadequate infrastructure and technology at border posts could impede the Customs Service’s ability to inspect and regulate trade effectively, thereby creating room for non-compliance.