
Reps advocate adequate budgetary allocation for govt-owned media agencies

Members of the House of Representatives, on Thursday, called for adequate budgetary allocation for government-owned media agencies with the view to enhance their performances.

The lawmakers gave the charge during the inaugural meeting of the House Committee on Information chaired by Hon. Olusola Steve Fatoba, harped on the need to ensure accurate dissemination of information by relevant agencies.

He also reiterated the Committee’s resolve towards ensuring effective regulation of importation of obscene literature and photographs.

He said: “Our Committee holds a critical role in shaping the ethical and moral foundation of our nation, fostering a sense of national identity, and ensuring the dissemination of accurate and meaningful information.

“In a time when the world is experiencing rapid change and transformation, our responsibilities have never been more important,” Hon. Fatoba said.

He said that the Committee will have an interaction with the Minister of Information and heads of various media organisations.

“We need to equip ourselves very well with information about the agencies before we go on oversight visits.

“We all know the jurisdiction of our Committee covers: oversight of the Ministry responsible for Information and its Parastatals save those assigned to other Committee; Oversight of the print and electronic media owned by the Government’s Public Relations, public enlightenment and information services; Oversight of the National Orientation Agency (NOA).”

He added that the Committee will also prioritize promotion of discipline, integrity, dignity of labour, social justice, religious tolerance, self-reliance and patriotism and the civic duties of every Nigerian.

The Committee is also expected to oversight Voice of Nigeria (VON), National Press Council (NPC), Nigerian Television College, Jos; Nigerian Television Authority (NTA); News Agency of Nigeria (NAN); Federal Radio Nigeria (FRCN); Films and Video Censors Board; as well as all Parastatals under Federal Ministry of Information & National Orientation; and their annual budget estimates.

The Chairman said that he was confident that each of the members brings a wealth of knowledge, expertise, and dedication to the committee.

“It is through our collective wisdom and shared commitment that we will make a lasting impact on the well-being of our nation and its citizens, through legislation, policies and our oversight functions,” he said.

He also urged the members to embrace the challenges as opportunities to make a tangible difference as they embark on the journey.

“We shall collaborate with diligence, open-mindedness, and a sense of unity, addressing the intricate issues surrounding information, national orientation, ethics, and values.

He noted that he has complete faith in the ability to navigate these complex matters and guide Nigeria towards a brighter future.

“Together, we will work towards creating a society that is well-informed, ethically grounded, and deeply united. I look forward to working closely with each one of you, and I am confident that, through our collective efforts, we can bring about positive change for our nation. Together, we will contribute to a stronger and more prosperous future for our beloved country,” he added.

. TheWitness