
NATE aligns with COREN on roadmap to address building collapse in Nigeria 

The National Association of Technologists in Engineering (NATE) has aligned itself with the roadmap of the Council of Registered Engineering on checkmating the cases of collapsed buildings nationwide.

Tribune Online recalls that many lives and property worth millions of Naira have been lost to the cases of collapsed structures across the country.

However, the National President of NATE, Rt. Hon. Dominic Udoatan, in an interview with the newsmen at the 39th Conference of Technologists and Annual General Meeting of the association in Ibadan at the weekend, disclosed that cases of collapsed structures would soon become a thing of the past by the time the COREN Roadmap 2023 to 2027 is fully implemented.

According to him, “NATE has aligned itself with the Roadmap of COREN on checkmating the cases of collapsed structures. The present President of COREN, Engr. Prof. S.Z. Abubakar who is a Chief regulator of the engineering profession has put a lot of things in place to checkmate quackery in the profession.

“This issue of building collapse will soon become a thing of the past by the time the roadmap is fully implemented because the president has established state and zonal committees in all the states and zones for monitoring process.

“This is done to decentralize the project monitoring across the country. We will not wait until the building collapses before we move to sites.

“He (President) has put machinery in place to take proactive measures by visiting the construction sites at the commencement of the projects.

“We have to go and ensure that right materials are used, right professionals are there and the ethics of the profession are followed duly.

“Technological Code of Ethics and Engineering standards are the guiding principles that ensure that our innovations benefit humanity.

“They set the foundation for trust in our profession and the product we deliver. This trust is critical for fostering collaboration with government agencies, industries and the general public.”

He also called on the Federal government and its relevant agencies to address the issue of an age-long dichotomy between the University and Polytechnic graduates.

Udoatan noted that the disparity is hindering technological advancement in the country.

In his address, the chairman of the occasion, Senator Sharafadeen Alli, representing Oyo South Senatorial District called for active participation of the Technologists in the art of nation building.

He said for the nation to advance technologically, Technologists have a huge role in play.

Also, the National Vice-president, Southwest zone, Tokede Oluremi Sunday, assured that Technologists would continue to play a pivotal role in the art of nation building.

. TheWitness