
Jigawa Gov presents N298bn 2024 Budget to Assembly

Jigawa State Governor, Mallam Umar Namadi has presented a proposed budget estimate of N298.14 billion to the Jigawa State House of Assembly for the 2024 physical year.

Presenting the budget, the governor said the 2024 estimate is almost 23% higher than the total appropriations in the 2023 Fiscal Year.

The budget titled as “budget of greater Jigawa”, Namadi said “the purpose is to be able to accommodate increases in personnel cost that may occasion the anticipated review of the national minimum wage”.

According to the governor “In line with the principles of fiscal responsibility, the sum of N10.72 billion has been earmarked for Stabilization and Contingency Funds which is equivalent to about 4% of the real recurrent revenue estimates”.

He said the sum of N175.42 billion represents 59 per cent of the total estimate earmarked for the capital expenditure.

The governor announced the establishment of five new agencies which include the State ICT & Digital Economy Agency, the State Hisba Board, the State Tsangaya Board, the State Resident Identity Management Agency, and the State Anti-corruption Agency.

“Personnel Cost in respect of all ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) includes PHC personnel for which the State government has taken up 40% Responsibility and Salaries of primary school teachers as well as social security payments including Pensions and Gratuities and State contributions to the contributory pension scheme N64.583 billion”.

Namadi told the lawmakers that recurrent expenditure in the 2024 proposed budget represents an increase of about 36% over the 2023 estimates which is equivalent to almost N32.4 billion.

He therefore solicited the support of the legislature’s maximum support and speedy passage of the budget for the rapid development of the state.

In his part, the speaker of the House, Haruna Dangyatin commended the governor for his foresight and plans for the state.

He promised to do everything within their constitutional power to scrutinise the proposed appropriation bill to ensure justice and equity for all parties and people of the state.