
Nigerian judiciary, beacon of hope, justice — Group

In what appears to be the biggest solidarity match in the city of Abuja; a coalition of civil society groups, has thrown its weight behind the judiciary in Nigeria, saying it still stands as the beacon of hope and justice in the country.

Addressing newsmen in Abuja during the solidarity rally in support of the judiciary, the coalition: Northern Christian Civil Rights Movement; the African Patriots; the Guardians of Democracy and others with membership over 10,000; specifically commended the judiciary for the recent judgements in various election petitions and especially in Plateau State.

The Coalition also sounded appeal to the ruling People’s Democratic Party (PDP) and others in Plateau State, against what it described as “blackmail” of the Court of Appeal.

The convener of Guardians of Democracy, Mr. Adamu Kabir, in his speech, explained that the Coalition expressed profound gratitude and appreciation to the esteemed Justices of the Appeal Court; and honored their unwavering commitment to safeguarding the principles of justice, equity, fairness, and democracy in the nation.

“Today, we stand united to celebrate the triumph of the judiciary over the nefarious attempts by political parties to manipulate and undermine the rule of law.

“However, we, the Guardians of Democracy, stand firm in our belief in the judiciary’s ability to uphold the rule of law and deliver justice for all Nigerians”, he said.

He further stated that in recent months, his group witnessed a disturbing trend of attempts to undermine the judiciary.

These attempts according to him, came from various quarters, including politicians, lawyers, and even members of the public, adding that, these individuals have sought to influence the judiciary’s decisions “through intimidation, bribery, and even threats of violence”.

Other members of the coalition expressed their firm belief in the principles of equity, fairness, and justice, adding that it is the duty of the judiciary to uphold these principles without compromise.

Meanwhile, Convener, Northern Christian Civil Rights Movement, Mr. Tobias Ogbe, in his speech, emphatically cautioned the PDP in Plateau State to desist from the unholy enterprise in the interest of peace and tranquility.

“It must be stated that the resort to cheap blackmail and propaganda serves no good and does not augur well for preserving democracy in Nigeria. Ironically, this has been one of the potent weapons of destabilization that political parties and actors employ to destabilize the system when election results do not go their way.” Ogbe said.

He, therefore, stated that the case of Plateau presents a vivid example of how politicians selfishly heat the polity and end up causing a conflict of unimaginable proportions, adding that the enterprise must stop, and those responsible must desist from such ignoble endeavours.

. TheWitness