
Men’s Day: Seven tips to prioritise your wellbeing, live better life

Every November 19 is the International Men’s Day which is a special day set aside to celebrate men’s achievements and contributions to the world. The day also serves as an awareness day for suicide, homelessness, parental alienation, and other issues facing men globally.

The special day, first marked in 1992, is celebrated in no fewer than 57 countries worldwide, including Nigeria and some other African countries.

In a ‘world’ where men are assumed to have it all figured out on their own, regardless of what they might be going through, it’s crucial for men to take proactive steps towards prioritising their wellbeing.

In this article, Tribune Online takes a look at some tips to help you, as a man, cultivate healthier lifestyles and foster overall wellbeing.

1. Learn how to express your emotions:

It is wrongly assumed by some segments of society that expressing one’s feelings as a man is a sign of weakness. However, this is not true. In contrast, expressing how you feel as a man is a sign of strength that can help you foster your general wellbeing. Encourage more open communication about your feelings and never be shy to express your emotions.

2. Prioritise your mental health

The importance of prioritizing your mental health as a man can never be overemphasized. Acknowledge that mental well-being is as crucial as physical health. If needed, seek professional help. You can also practice mindfulness and break the stigma surrounding mental health by engaging in open conversations about it.

3. Embrace a balanced lifestyle

In this challenging world, as a man, it is important not to deprive yourself of a healthy lifestyle. Ensure you get adequate sleep, regular exercise, and a nutritious diet, among others. Maintaining good physical health directly influences your mental and emotional wellbeing.

4. Break the barrier of gender stereotypes

We live in a world where men are expected not to do certain things, pursue certain professions, wear certain clothes, or even eat certain foods. For instance, it is assumed that hair styling is a profession for women, and pink is a ladies’ colour. Meanwhile, there are some men who have an interest in these things but are afraid to identify with them due to gender stereotypes. Hence, it is important to challenge these societal expectations and engage in a diverse range of activities that interest you without conforming to the traditional gender norms. Also, men can break gender stereotypes by developing compassion for the opposite gender and spreading genuine love to both male and female genders.

5. Engage in continuous learning

It is a general knowledge that a man starts to die the day he stops learning. As a man, it is crucial for you to foster a mindset of continuous learning and personal growth. Whether pursuing a particular passion, acquiring new skills, or obtaining new academic qualifications, make sure not to stop learning.

6. Nurture meaningful relationships

Life is too difficult to do alone; it is important to have people by your side. This makes it necessary for you to cultivate meaningful connections with your family, friends, colleagues, and others around you. Investing in meaningful relationships plays a huge role in your general wellbeing as a man.

7. Create time for yourself

The importance of this can never be underestimated. As a man, the world is extremely demanding from all aspects. From career to family and others, there are many factors that compete for men’s time. Despite all these, ensure to avoid burnout by creating time for your hobbies, relaxation, and self-care.

. TheWitness