
PDP youths commend Akpabio over Moro, Natasha’s appointments

The Peoples Democratic Party National Youth Frontiers has commended Senate President Godwill Akpabio following the appointments of Comrade Abba Moro as minority leaders and Senator Natasha Akpoti-Uduaghan as local content chairman.

In a congratulatory message signed by its National Coordinator, Hon. Usman Okai Austin, stated that the appointments of Senator Abba Moro and Senator Natasha are the right choices for the roles.

Okai described the selection as a wise decision for the party, adding that it recognises the expertise and leadership qualities that both individuals bring to the table.

“Former Minister of Interior, Comrade Abba Moro, and Senator Natasha Akpoti are considered the right choices for the roles of minority leaders and local content chairman
within the party.

“Their track records and commitment to public service align with the principles of the People’s Democratic Party, making them strong candidates for these significant positions.”

The commendation from the PDP National Youth Frontiers highlights the party’s dedication to promoting capable and experienced leaders.

Abba Moro’s past role as the Minister of Interior demonstrates his familiarity with governance and public affairs, while Senator Natasha Akpoti’s notable contributions in the legislative arena showcase her commitment to advancing the party’s goals.

As the PDP continues to evolve and adapt to the dynamic political landscape, the selection of Moro and Akpoti is seen as a strategic move that reflects the party’s commitment to inclusivity and effective representation.

The Youth Frontiers express confidence that these appointments will further strengthen the party’s standing and contribute to its success in future endeavors.

In recognizing the foresight demonstrated by Senate President Godwill Akpabio in these nominations, the PDP National Youth Frontiers convey their optimism for a more vibrant and progressive party under the leadership of Abba Moro and Senator Natasha Akpoti.

. TheWitness