
Plateau: Appeal Court judgment contradicts 2023 Electoral Act — Ex-gov Jang

Former Governor of Plateau State and a member of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Board of Trustees, Senator Jonah Jang, has expressed dismay over the recent judgement of the Court of Appeal that sacked Governor Caleb Muftwang as governor of the state, stating that the Court took a decision that contradicts the 2023 Electoral Act and other decided cases by the Supreme Court.

In a statement signed by his media consultant, Clinton Garuba, the former governor held that the judgment of Sunday, November 18, 2023, was a total miscarriage of justice and expressed optimism that the highest court of the land will reverse the judgment. 

“Senator Jang, like other well-meaning lovers of democracy, is at a complete loss as to why the Appeal Court took a decision that contradicts the 2023 electoral act and other decided cases by the Supreme Court. He believes that the judgment of Sunday, November 18, is a total miscarriage of justice, and as a firm believer in the judiciary, Senator Jang holds the belief that the highest court of the land will reverse this great injustice. 

“While Senator Jang does not support disparaging their lordships, as observed in the protest that greeted the previous judgments, we all saw how difficult it was for the judges to justify their positions and how hard they tried to explain their actions due to public outcry”.

Senator Jang, however, denied the publication that he advised Governor Caleb Mutfwang to resign and handover to the APC gubernatorial candidate, Dr Nentawe Yiltwada Goshwe amongst others, adding that the entire write-up was completely false and only exists in the writer’s imagination. 

‘It is absurd that anyone would even imagine that Senator Jang would ever think of advising Governor Caleb Mutfwang, who is raising the bar of governance to a new level, to hand over to a group of vampires whom the people of Plateau have rejected.

“It goes without saying that APC is bent on taking power through the back door. We believe our God will never sleep or slumber and will not allow us to return to Egypt as a state and people. Asking a government that has spent only six months in government and has already surpassed the achievement of Lalong’s APC-led eight-year government to resign is unthinkable”.

Senator Jang therefore called on the people of Plateau State to remain peaceful and calm and channel their energies into praying to God.

. TheWitness