
Why youths inclusion in governance is crucial – AYRC

African Youth Resource Centre (AYRC), emphasised youth inclusion in governance, urged government to prioritize needs assessments for marginalised groups.

Mr. Ben Duntoye, Executive Director of African Youth Resource Centre (AYRC), highlighted the necessity for governments to conduct comprehensive NEEDS assessments.

Speaking on the ‘Role of Non-Governmental Organisations in Implementing the National Youth Policy,’ he stressed the importance of integrating young people into governance structures.

Duntoye asserted that excluding youths from planning and decision-making is outdated, advocating for inclusive strategies in youth-focused policies.

Mr. Duntoye who gave the charge in Abuja, during the national high-level meeting held in Abuja, on the implementation of the national assessment and tracking program for youth non-governmental organisations.

He also urged other State Governors across the country to emulate Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq of Kwara State by ensuring youth and women’s inclusiveness in governance.

He said Abdulrasaq had shown leadership by appointing youths and women into his cabinet, adding that the Governor had chosen a path to listen to the yarning of the youth.

He said such a gesture had increased youth participation in governance, saying the governor’s of other states should take a cue from him.

Duntoye, who was the lead presenter with the topic ‘Role of Non-Governmental Organisations and other stakeholders in the implementation of the National Youth Policy’, advocated the mainstreaming of young people in government.

He said the era of planning for youths without involving them is over, adding that there should be no plan for the youth without the youth.

He highlighted Kwara State as a positive example, where approximately 70 percent of the state cabinet and aides are youths.

Duntoye, a former President of the Pan African Youth Union, emphasised the importance of implementing the National Youth Policy.

He urged governments at all levels to conduct needs assessments to understand the requirements of the people, particularly the marginalised youth.

He called for a paradigm shift to address the needs of youth effectively.

He said the programme was aimed at fostering dialogue and collaboration for youth empowerment and development.

. TheWitness