
Philanthropist builds 10 houses for underprivileged families in Anambra community

A philanthropist, High Chief Abraham Ikechukwu Otti, has built houses for underprivileged families, mostly widows in his Umuchu-country home, Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra State.

Tribune Online gathered that apart from the building, Chief Otti equally furnished the house for the indigents and provided them TV sets, generators, three mattresses, phones and cash gift of N600,000 each as support for their various businesses.

Chief Abraham Ikechukwu Otti is a known philanthropist in Anambra State who has used his resources to bring succour to his people.

“The Philanthropist has received various awards for his philanthropic works and he’ll equally be honored as Anambra Humanitarian Person of the Year on the 29th December, 2023.”

Hon. Chinedu Ezekwike, who represented Chief Otti during the handover ceremony, enjoined the beneficiaries to see the gifts as God’s favour and special visitation to their households this year. He urged the beneficiaries to continue to pray for God’s continued guidance and protection upon the lives of Chief Abraham Otti and his family.

. TheWitness