
Yuletide: NSCDC deploys over 25,000 officers nationwide

THE Nigeria Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) has deployed 25,000 of its personnel to ensure the protection of lives and critical infrastructure across the nation during the yuletide season.

Commandant General of the NSCDC Dr Ahmed Abubakar Audi has accordingly directed all the Assistant Commandant General and the Commandant of the Corps in Charge of the Zonal and State Commands to ensure strategic and adequate deployment of officers and men of the Corps to ensure a peaceful and hitch-free celebrations during the Christmas and New Year festive period.

The CG in a statement on Saturday by the Public Relations Officer, Mr Babawale Afolabi called for the implementation of comprehensive operational strategies, robust and elaborate security arrangements throughout the country.

He noted particularly that “the areas of our core mandate will be the guide with massive deployment of overt and covert officers to all the locations of government critical infrastructure and national assets such as oil pipelines, electrical installations, airports, railway stations, and other government buildings among others.

“The Safe School Initiative Project will not be left out with the special Rapid Response Squad and the Female Squad will continue with their round-the-clock protection of the schools nationwide to prevent any form of attack or kidnapping in the school and the school’s infrastructures.

“Other strategic officers such as the intelligent operatives, Agro Rangers Personnel, CG’s Special Intelligence Squad, Anti Vandal operatives the Rapid Response Squad among others will also be properly deployed to the flash points black spots, recreational centres, markets, places of worship among others,” Audi stated.

The NSCDC boss, however charged the senior officers to ensure that personnel deployed are adequately supervised for utmost professionalism in the discharge of their duties.

He also warned the officers to carry out their assigned duties with the utmost professionalism and adhere strictly to the rule of engagement as any officer found wanting will be properly defaulted.

The CG urged the officers on duty to intensify the collaboration with other security agencies to ensure hitch-free celebrations.

“CG Ahmed Abubakar Audi however charged the general public to be law abiding and security conscious as well as to support security personnel by reporting any criminal activities and elements promptly.

“While Congratulating the Christian faithful and other members of the public, the CG urges the Christians to celebrate the symbolic anniversary of the birth of Christ and also expresses profound appreciation for their total support to the Corps in their fight against crimes and criminal elements,” the statement said.



. TheWitness