
Decay in education: North needs serious communal efforts — Doguwa

The Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on  Petroleum Upstream, Honourable Alhassan Ado Doguwa, has said that the only way the sorry  educational situation bedeviling the entire North can be addressed through a serious community’s full participation and concerted individual efforts.

This is just as he stated that the Government alone cannot solve the pathetic situation, except for everyone to be committed to freeing it from its negative position.

Making this known on Sunday, Hon.Doguwa while  donating N5 million to the Gaya/Bagauda Old Boys Association during a book launching program, said, “now that the Federal government came out with a more desirable educational programs, the North needs to queue in with community participation to safeguard their education.

“The only way Government efforts would be supplemented is by individual persons’ participation by contributing their widow’ s  mite  so that the out of School children syndrome would be tackled.”

Doguwa, who was a former House of Representatives leader, said “today’s educational story of the North is truly a sorry one that Government alone cannot solve, as such everyone should be committed to freeing it from its negative position.”

He  called on members of the Gaya/Barewa Old Boys to continue to support the younger ones in school and supplement the efforts of the government in financing some gaps in the educational sector in the  state and the nation at large. 

He disclosed that the Federal government is up and doing in its educational support scheme. In form in respect of, students loan scheme and some special scholarships to assist the less privileged students in the society.

He commended the full participation of their members to the Annual General meeting of  Gaya/Bagauda Old boys Association,  Darul Tawhid Conference Hall.

He noted that he “believes that still we have  people’s who truly cares to contribute their quota towards solving the unfortunate educational standard of the North and I now know that together we shall rescue it and change the narrative”, 


. TheWitness