
Group charges Ayedatiwa on inclusive governance

Ondo indigenes, under the aegis of Prof. Adedayo Faduyile Foundation (PAFF), in United State of America, on Wednesday, charged the state governor, Lucky Ayedatiwa to run an all-inclusive government that would give the citizens the equal right to contribute their quota towards the development of the state, irrespective of tribe, religion and status.

The group who expressed sympathy over the death of late governor of the state, Rotimi Akeredolu, described the sudden death of the late governor as a great loss to the state, saying the death was a blow too many for the people of the state.

According to the group, Akeredolu contributed positively to the development of the state and the entire South west region considering his efforts on the security of lives and property in the region and nationwide.

In a statement signed and made available to journalists in Akure yesterday, the USA Coordinator of the group, Chief Eniafe Ogunbameru, commiserated with the people of the state and family of the deceased on the untimely passage of the governor.

Ogunbameru however, urged the new governor, Lucky Aiyedatiwa, who succeeded Akeredolu to sustain his legacy, saying Ondo state people would not forget the good works of the late governor in a hurry.

The statement read: “The impacts of late Governor Oluwarotimi Akeredolu in Ondo State and Southwest cannot be forgotten so easily, especially in terms of security and power rotation to the South.

“He dared all odds to give the Southwest a voice at the national level, without mincing words that the security of lives and properties is sacrosanct in representative democracy; and 2023 rotation of Presidency to the region.”

The group noted that there is dire need for a political reunion of all APC factions in the state, tasking the new Governor on all-encompassing and inclusive government to commemorate the times and memories of his immediate past predecessor.

Speaking on the 2024 governorship primary election in April, he appealed to Aiyedatiwa, who was until the demise of Akeredolu the Deputy Governor, to ensure fairness and level playing ground for all aspirants.

“We are using this opportunity to appeal to the new governor to use his position to unite party despite noticeable differences within the ruling party nor loyalty amongst the various political camps.

“Divisiveness within any party posses a huge threat to the chances of winning any election, which will ultimately be to the loss of the party and gain of the of opposition parties. Ondo State APC cannot afford to make this fatal mistake,” he said.

The PAFF Chieftain urged the governor, who is a contender in the party’s ticket, to allow every aspirant slug it out fairly with one another, refraining from using his position to circumvent others at the poll.

. TheWitness