
Three school children, four others die in Osun road crash

Residents of Osogbo, Osun state capital on Tuesday were thrown into mourning following a ghastly motor accident that claimed the lives of seven people in the ring road area of the town.

The incident which occured in front of the WOCDIF event center area in the afternoon of the day, involved a commercial bus and a tricycle and claimed the lives of three school children, the driver of the tricycle on the spot while the other three persons gave up the ghost while arriving the premises of the hospital to be attended to medically.

Confirming the incident, the state Sector Commander of the Federal Road Safety Corps ( FRSC), Mr Henry Benamaisia, said, “The accident which occurred at about 9:10 a.m involving a blue Mazda commercial bus with number plate ES 300 and a tricycle having a number plate RLG 898 QE with a motorcycle same SGB 630 DN.

“The accident occurred around the WORDIF area close to Lameco Junction on ring road bye-pass claiming the lives of four persons on the spot.

“Three passengers out of the four died at the hospital where they were rushed to. However, eight persons were involved which included four male adults with two female children and two male children.

“We only have one survival out of the eight persons involved in the accident.”

He, thereafter, attributed “the root cause of the accident to excessive speeding leading to tyre burst and later loss of control by the commercial bus driver.

“The vehicles and the motorcycle had been taken to Dugbe police station while the deaths were taken to Osun State Teaching Hospital with the help of O’ Ambulance, a medical rescue team in the state.”

While commending the efforts of other sister security operatives that got themselves involved in the rescue mission, the sector commander, charged motorists to always drive according to the rule of traffic law to prevent untimely death on Nigerian roads.

. TheWitness