
Traditional rulers urged to support fight against NTDs in Kwara

Traditional rulers, among other stakeholders in the Kwara state health sector, have been called upon to join hands and act to put an end to neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) in the state.

Speaking with journalists in Ilorin on Tuesday, as part of activities to commemorate World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day, the state commissioner for Health, Dr Amina El-Imam, said that this year’s theme: “Unite to Act Towards Elimination of NTDs”, is a call for every stakeholder to have concerted efforts towards the
eradication of NTDs in the state.

The commissioner, who said that NTDs majorly affect impoverished rural communities all over the world, identified some of the NTDs as river blindness, schistosomiasis, lymphatic filariasis, soil-transmitted helminths, leprosy, snake bites, rabies, etc., “some of which result in disabilities, stigma, significant health, and a burden on over 1 billion people across the world, with over 40% of the global burden in Africa alone.”.

She, therefore, said that there is a need for more collaborative effort to ensure that every Kwara citizen is reached, particularly those in rural communities, in order to achieve health equity, one of the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

“We appeal to the traditional councils, opinion leaders, and community leaders to take ownership of and support NTDs and all health programmes in their

“We would also like to appeal to all Kwara residents to seek medical attention to enable the early detection and treatment of NTDs and other ailments. Kwarans should also eschew discrimination and stigmatisation to ensure health for all.

“Civil societies, philanthropists, non-governmental development organisations (NGDOs), health professionals, etc. should also reflect on the theme and find avenues to collaborate with the state government under the leadership of Governor Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq towards the prevention, control, elimination, and eradication of NTDS. This way, we can work synergistically to end the neglect of these poverty-related diseases in the state,” she said.

Dr El-Imam said that Nigeria has the largest burden of NTDs in Sub-Saharan Africa, adding that it accounts for 25% of the total burden of NTDS on the continent.

“Kwara State, according to baseline surveys, is endemic for some NTDs, with many inhabitants at risk.
NTDs pose major roadblocks to national progress and the achievement of universal health coverage (UHC). They are also impediments to poverty alleviation, economic growth, and social development.”.

Dr El-Imam said that the Ministry of Health has lined up some activities to sensitise and increase the level of awareness of Kwara state citizens about the diseases, expressing the hope that universal health coverage for all Kwarans is possible.

She also said that the Kwara State Ministry of Health, through its NTDs Control and Elimination Programme, has been putting in efforts to eradicate the diseases in the state through preventive chemotherapy, mass administration of medicines, active case search and case management, community engagement through advocacy and sensitization, supportive monitoring and supervision of NTDs programmes, WASH interventions, and capacity building for community health workers and community-directed distributors, among many others.