
PAP crisis: Ignore allegations against Ndiomu,  Ijaw ex-agitators tell Tinubu 

Phase 2 Ex-agitators of the Presidential Amnesty Programme (PAP) have written to the President Bola Tinubu, exonerating the Interim Administrator of PAP, Major-General Barry Ndiomu (rtd), of involvement in any financial wrong-doing in the just concluded aviation training, as ex-agitators from Urhoboland, Delta State, call for his sack.

In a statement signed and issued in Yenagoa, the national spokesman of the Phase 2 Ex-agitators, Ibena Rufus Salvation, described an ex-agitator from Ughelli South Local Government, Eshanakpe Israel (Akpodoro), who recently demanded that Maj-Gen Ndiomu disclosed financial details regarding the pilot training program or be sacked as enemies of the Niger Delta.

Mr. Ibena in the statement further explained that the Phase 2 Ex-agitators have privileged information that the motive behind the sinister campaign by Eshanakpe, fondly called “Mayor of Urhoboland” is being bankrolled by selfish politicians who want to deny Maj. Gen. Ndiomu of his well-deserved confirmation as the substantive coordinator of the amnesty programme.

Ibena stated that under Ndiomu’s watch as interim administrator, enormous windows of employment opportunities have been provided for ex-agitators in the oil-rich Niger Delta region to thrive, saying that the innovative ideas initiated by Ndiomu will guarantee the socio-economic sustainability of ex-agitators and young people in the Niger Delta.

He also added that under General Ndiomu’s watch, the PAP has provided employment for a good number of young graduates from the Niger Delta in line with the vision of the PAP, thereby reducing the trend of dependency.

Ibana charged Eshanakpe Israel (Akpodoro), who claimed to be a warlord to show his activities during the arm’s struggle in Niger Delta, adding that the fact that he submitted knives and hunter’s guns to security agents in the name of Amnesty, does not make him a warlord, ex-agitator or freedom fighter, but just a privileged beneficiary.

He said, “We are aware of the fruitless plans Eshanakpe Israel, a privileged beneficiary, had with his paymasters on the subject of their evil campaign and how to change the narratives to get Ndiomu out of office and return a programme that had made substantial progress under Ndiomu to the dark days of backwardness.

“Having found Ndiomu spotless, transparent and accountable in all his dealings, particularly in the management of PAP funds, they resorted to flying a lame kite that the major-general should open up on the cost of the aviation training where we have beneficiaries who are now aircraft engineers with licenses and certifications to operate.

“It is very clear they have nothing to use against Ndiomu because this claim to us, is lame and baseless. We have followed Ndiomu since he assumed office and his management of the amnesty programme and we unequivocally state that he is the best that has managed the scheme.

“Coming to say Phase 2 national leadership does not exist shows how desperate and clueless they are. How can Israel Akpodoro know Ibena Rufus Salvation when he was nowhere to be found during the arm’s struggle in Niger Delta?

“We urge members of the public to be wary of these characters and to disregard their unfounded allegations. Maj. Gen. Ndiomu (rtd) will not be distracted by the antics of some wicked and selfish individuals and will never allow the programme to be dragged into partisan politics.”