
World Bank may approve $500 million loan to Nigeria in May 2024 

In a move to bolster human capital development in Nigeria, the World Bank may green light a $500 million loan in May 2024.

This financial injection, aptly dubbed the Nigeria Human Capital for Opportunities and Empowerment (HOPE), represents a pivotal investment in the nation’s future, according to information obtained from the Washington-based financial institution. 

Earmarked initially at a more ambitious sum of $1.5 billion, the loan amount was recalibrated to $500 million.

A reliable source within the bank noted that the final loan sum is subject to the World Bank board’s final approval, underscoring the fluid nature of financial negotiations. 

The loan is meant to be implemented in 2024 pending approval by the board of the World Bank Group, with a likely approval date of May 23, 2024. 

A World Bank Project goes through six cycles, which include Identification, Preparation, Appraisal, Negotiation/approval, Implementation, and Completion/validation and evaluation. 

TheWitness learnt that the estimated appraisal date for the $500 million loan is April 16, 2024, while the estimated board date is May 23, 2024. 

According to a Concept Environmental and Social Review of the project, the implementing Agencies include Basic Healthcare Provision Fund (BHCPF), Federal Ministry of Education, Federal Ministry of Health, Universal Basic Education Commission. 

The project operation will be open to all the 36 states in Nigeria and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). The project will focus on achieving results in Basic and Junior Education and improving Universal Health coverages, especially for women.