
UN offers support for resettlement of IDPs in Borno

The United Nations has expressed readiness to support the Borno government in resettling the remaining Internally Displaced Persons in the state.

The United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Nigeria, Mohammed Malik, disclosed this when he paid a courtesy visit to Borno Governor, Babagana Zulum at Government House Maiduguri on Monday.

He said the UN had noticed that Borno State has achieved so much in peace and development of the communities affected by the crisis.

According to him, the UN is ready to support Borno in its restoration agenda and resettling of the remaining Internally Displaced Persons back to their ancestral homes after the gradual return of peace in the state.

“Every initiative you implement or undertake, you can count 100% on my support and the support of the entire UN team.

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“Even though we still have some challenges, when I look at where it was in 2015 and 2016 compared to where we are today in terms of access, in terms of population that can benefit from the services of the executive and the government, in terms of people whose well-being has been improved, in terms of services that are provided to people who need it so much, I can say that it has been a very long journey that has been made.

“Your Excellency, I want to commend you and your team for those steps that have been taken”.

“My own is a responsibility to come and bring my contribution, not only me but the entire UN system. I want you to believe that we are here only for one thing: to understand where you want to go, read where you want to go and be behind you, be behind your back and make sure that every single step you make on the way towards improving the lives of the people of Borno, you will have us next to you in that journey.

Responding, Governor Zulum said his administration is committed to resettling IDPs to their ancestral homes or another place safe for them to source their livelihood themselves.

“When we were campaigning, we promised the IDPs that we would do everything possible to resettle them back to their ancestral homes in a dignified manner”.

Zulum said the Borno State government is ready to collaborate with the UN to ensure that the people in the state have benefited from the humanitarian and developmental services of the UN.
