
Legislature, judiciary encouraging corruption in Nigeria — Don

A University Don, Prof. Dawood Omolumen Egbefo of the Department of History and International Studies at the Edo State University Uzairue has blamed the legislature and the judiciary for not living up to the people’s expectations by discharging their real responsibilities thereby encouraging corruption in Nigeria.

Prof Egbefo who is also the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic, made the assertion while delivering the 13th inaugural lecture series of the Edo State University Uzairue, Titled: Democratic Governance And The Challenges Of Poverty, Corruption And National Security Crisis In Nigeria Since 1999, at the Aliko Dangote Auditorium.

Prof Egbefo said the judiciary as the 3rd tier has been made to do what the government wants or is not being allowed to perform their actual duties as what they do is just paperwork and the real effective issues of the judiciary are in the hands of the executive.

According to him, “for the past 4-8 years now, we have seen how the judiciary have been made to do what the government want or not being allowed to perform their actual duties, what they do is just paper work and the real effective issues of the judiciary is in the hands of the executive” he added.

On the other hand, he said the legislature has not been able to achieve the administrative instrument, the instrument that will put good governance on ground has not been established saying that the legislature is supposed to make laws for good governance or always see to what the executive is about to or are doing can be implemented for good governance.

He said until we actually redefine what true governance is, that is where we can separate both good and bad governance adding that if we remain like this, democracy will keep on promoting poverty thereby leading to corruption and the problem we are facing will take time to be solved.

He further accused the government of not being able to drive home or put on ground a structure or system that would be able to check corruption as people are interested in corruption as a result of the kind of wealth they want at the detriment of others.

He said that the issue of corruption did not start today as we have seen government officials taking bribes to carry out their official duties or government engaging or involved in bribing companies or contractors at the same time claiming to be fighting corruption by setting up EFCC, ICPC, and others.

He however praised the past administrations for making significant progress in the fight against corruption by arresting and prosecuting those who engaged in corrupt practices in the private and public sectors such top government officials including former governors, ministers, and local government chairmen have been dragged before courts to answer to corruption charges.

He said that eradication of corruption is not just a difficult task if the right machineries are put in place like in other developed countries like America where there are tested institutions which make it impossible for the corrupt to be ultimate winner, adding that we should get to a point where corruption is seen as a serious crime and not just as an attempt by an individual to take his share of the national cake and good example should be made against any offender rather than free bargain.

Prof Egbefo suggested that we must all come to the full realisation that corruption is as dangerous to society as it is to the individual as corruption is a major cause of the country’s underdevelopment especially in the area of poor infrastructure.

He said law may be an aid to good government but by no means the most important factor in establishing peace and harmony is for us to elect good leaders because law can only be effective if the right man is placed in power.

In his conclusion, he said the enthronement of democracy and good governance in Nigeria is necessary for the socio-economic and political transformation of the country in the 21st century.

“Nigeria demand good governance, justice, free corruption, free of national security crisis, equity, fairness and real development and progress of the country in order to encourage confidence and trust in the polity”.

He said fight against corruption must be carried out with total commitment from the political Leadership backed by strong political will devoid of lip service and rhetorics and there should be a serious drive towards poverty reduction and inequality through people-oriented policies and programs which will address the basic necessary of life such as food, shelter, health care services, safe drinking water, electricity, education, employment among others.

Earlier in his address, the Vice Chancellor of the university Engr Prof Emmanuel Aluyor said since its inception, the university has been committed to providing academic excellence to achieve its mandates.

The Vice-Chancellor who was represented by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor administration, Prof. Anthony O. Nwaopara said the university has been dogged in exploring technology-based materials for teaching, learning, and assessment.

“Our institution has remained in the vanguard of academic excellence with highly qualified staff that is highly dedicated and primed to expose our students to diverse fields of human endeavor”, he added.

Prof Aluyor further stated that the university curricula for the different programmes in the 9 faculties are designed in such a way as to fulfill the mission and vision of the university.