
Alleged misconduct: Stakeholders hail Oladoja’s removal as Ibadan chief

Some stakeholders in Ibadanland have commended the Olubadan of Ibadanland, His Imperial Majesty, Oba (Dr) Olalekan Ishola Balogun, Alli Okunmade II, over the total removal of Chief Olawale Oladoja as Mogaji Akinsola village over his disrespect to the stool of Olubadan and Olubadan-in-Council.

A statement jointly signed by the President of Ibadan Mogajis, Chief Asimiyu Ariori, and Coordinator, Ibadan Compound Peace Initiative, Mogaji Nurudeen Akinade said the judgment passed on Oladoja was well deserved.

According to the duo, hard-earned good image of Ibadan traditional institution should not be tarnished, hence, the need to salvage it.
The Olubadan of Ibadanland, Oba Lekan Balogun on Saturday 9 March 2024 removed Mogaji Olawale Oladoja as Mogaji Akinsola of Opopo Labiran Family Compound, Ibadan over disrespect to the Olubadan stool and by extension, Olubadan-in-Council.

Mogaji Oladoja’s removal came barely six months after suffering short suspension as Mogaji by the Olubadan Advisory Council.

According to the media aide to the monarch, Oladele Ogunsola stated that the decision was the fall-out of emergency meeting of the Olubadan Advisory Council presided over by Olubadan, Oba Lekan Balogun at his Alarere residence.

Ogunsola said the meeting had in attendance representatives of the Association of Mogajis of Ibadanland led by its President-General, Chief Asimiyu Ariori, and the Assistant Secretary-General of the Central Council of Ibadan Indigenes (CCII), Suleiman Raufu, who stood in for Chief Barr. Niyi Ajewole, the President-General of the Council.

Others are: Otun Olubadan of Ibadanland, High Chief Rasheed Adewolu Ladoja, HRM, Oba Kola Adegbola, HRM, Oba Abiodun Kola – Daisi (Ashipa Olubadan of Ibadanland) HRM, Oba Hamid Ajibade (Ekerin Olubadan of Ibadanland)
Ogunsola said big axe fell on Oladoja on account of his recent media outbursts considered disrespectful to the Olubadan stool and by extension the traditional institution of Ibadanland.

He said; “The media reports credited to the deposed Mogaji, according to the Council were described as divisive, disparaging and insulting and unbecoming of a supposed leader, who is expected to be urbane and cautious in deeds and actions, stressing that the conduct of Oladoja since his short suspension about six months ago was not suggestive of any sense of remorse.”

Recall that the same Olubadan Advisory Council ordered the suspension of Oladoja over inhuman execution of a supposed court judgment on a land matter for which he threw out some residents of Akinsola village in Akinyele Local Government area of the state, a conduct then described as untoward and a breach of the peace.

“At a meeting over the weekend, the Council recalled that the suspension placed on him then did not last long because of his perceived genuine remorse and principally, because of His Imperial Majesty’s peaceful disposition, “the recent outbursts by the same person have shown him as somebody without no iota of respect for constituted authority and any failure to bring upon him the full weight of the Council’s power would amount to condoning of indiscipline”.

“To drive home the point, the Akinsola Family which produced him in the first instance was subsequently asked to present another person to replace him as the Mogaji of the family if they are still interested in having a substantive Mogaji.

“The deposed Mogaji was invited to the meeting but failed to show up on an excuse that his mother died about 24 hours to the meeting, an alibi that failed to convince the Council. Members, who spoke on his excuse described it as a gimmick to evade interrogation on the allegations against him and said they could not be swayed by such antics.

“According to the members, “A person of his character and his love for social media could not have hidden such a very important incident from the public through social media announcement. What’s more, he had made two different posts on social media today without any faint reference to the sad news of his mother’s death. His refusal to honour the invitation is like adding salt to an injury”.