
Ramadan: Ekiti youth commissioner seeks prayers against insecurity, joblessness

As Ramadan fasting commences for Muslim adherents globally, the Ekiti State Commissioner for Youth Development, Gold Adesola Adedayo, has felicitated Muslims under the auspices of the National Council of Muslim Youth Organisations (NACOMYO).

Adedayo urged the youth to exhibit piety and sacrifices during the 30 days of Ramadan fasting and deploy the opportunity availed them by the holy month to pray against insecurity, unemployment, and poverty, which are the major ills confronting the nation.

The Commissioner spoke in his message released on Monday, congratulating the Muslim ummah, particularly the youth wing of Islam, on the commencement of Ramadan fasting.

Adedayo described the annual exercise as part of the pillars of Islam identified by the holy Prophet to seek the face of Allah to overcome human challenges, individually and collectively.

He urged NACOMYO members, as a vibrant wing of the Islamic faith, to use their participation in the holy exercise to intercede for Nigeria to become a great nation where youth can progress and prosper.

Adedayo appealed to Muslim youth to particularly consider themselves agents of change and spread the gospel of peaceful co-existence among all religions for the nation to be at peace.

“Let me congratulate the Muslim youth in Ekiti and Nigeria as they commence on this holy journey that will last for 30 days. This is the immense sacrifice needed to build the world and underscores the huge contributions Muslims are making to the global community.

“Ramadan represents a strategic pillar in Islam. It underscores love, spiritual uplift, unity, sacrifice, holiness, endurance, and courage. All these are necessary features that the citizens must display and demonstrate for the nation to progress and develop.

“As Muslims begin this holy journey, I know that the most troubling evils bedevilling our youth are a spiralling spate of joblessness, poverty, and insecurity. I beseech you to offer prayer supplications for Nigeria to subdue all these daunting challenges.

“As youth and future leaders, consider yourselves potent weapons of change. Spread the gospel of unity through your preachings, conduct, and comportments so that our nation can be in peace and harmony to confront whatever challenges we have.

“The government of Governor Biodun Oyebanji has demonstrated itself to be a lover of all faiths. This he demonstrated by his uncommon fraternity with Christians and Muslims and the way he ensured fair representation in government. He deserves your support in the form of prayers.

“As Ramadan offers us this opportunity, we must consider it a patriotic duty to help Ekiti and Nigeria in prayer so that we can reach the promised land and rejoice together as one nation that attained prosperity through unity and hard work.”