
Kalu seeks NASS, State HoA partnership on Constitutional review

The Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rep. Benjamin Kalu, urged the House Committee on Inter-Parliamentary Relations on Thursday to collaborate with State Houses of Assembly to address the multifaceted challenges facing the country through ongoing constitutional amendments.

Speaking at the inauguration of the committee in Abuja, the Deputy Speaker emphasized the crucial significance of inter-parliamentary relations for Nigeria. Kalu, who also chairs the Constitutional Review Committee, highlighted that these relations serve as the cornerstone of diplomatic efforts in the Legislature, fostering stronger bonds with international counterparts.

“Through collaborative efforts with the 36 State Houses of Assembly, we can strive to find sustainable solutions that benefit our nation, especially as we are about to commence a review of the Nation’s constitution, a task that requires their support and input,” Kalu stated.

He further urged the committee to promote and uphold the values that define Nigeria as a nation. Kalu reminded members that the committee serves as the foreign relations organ of the House of Representatives, emphasizing the significant impact their actions can have on shaping Nigeria’s foreign policy and global position.

Addressing the members, Kalu urged them to embrace their roles wholeheartedly, emphasizing that their dedication and commitment would positively reflect on the House of Representatives and contribute significantly to Nigeria’s standing on the global stage.

Chairman of the committee, Rep. Mark Udo (PDP-Akwa Ibom), reiterated the importance of inter-parliamentary relations as the bedrock of the National Assembly’s external relations to forge stronger bonds with counterparts across the globe. He emphasized the committee’s responsibility to facilitate and nurture these relationships for the betterment of the country.

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Udo highlighted that inter-parliamentary relations also include relationships with state assemblies, as they consistently look upon the National Assembly for leadership and cooperation. He emphasized the committee’s responsibility to nurture this critical relationship, noting that the National Assembly of Nigeria is a proud member of various international parliamentary associations such as the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA).

“Through these affiliations, we have the opportunity to engage with parliamentary bodies from around the world, enriching our legislative practices and fostering cooperation on global issues,” Udo concluded.