
Reps seek probe into killing of 17 military personnel

House of Representatives, on Tuesday, mandated authorities of the Armed Forces of Nigeria to conduct a thorough and wholesome investigation into the circumstances that led to the gruesome massacre of 17 Military personnel in Delta, on Thursday, 12th March, 2024.

The resolution was passed sequel to the adoption of a motion on Matter of urgent national importance on the ‘Need to investigate and apprehend perpetrators of the gruesome killing of 17 Military personnel in Delta State’, sponsored by Chairman, House Committee on Defence, Hon. Babajimi Benson.

In his lead debate, Hon. Benson noted with deep sadness, the needless and gruesome murder of 17 military personnel in Delta state on Thursday 14 March 2024.

“The House also notes that the murdered military personnel comprise Lt. Col. A.H. Ali who was the Commanding Officer, 181 Amphibious Battalion of the Nigerian Army, Major S.D Shafa, Major D.E Obi, Captain U. Zakari, and 13 other rank and file of the Nigerian military.

“The House further notes that the fallen soldiers were on a peaceful and mediatory mission to quell communal clash between Okuama and Okoloba Communities in Ughelli South and Bomadi LGAs of Delta State respectively when the horrific incident occurred.

“The House is aware that these military personnel were only responding to a distress call in their service to their fatherland when they were ambushed and killed on Thursday.

“The House is distressed that the perpetrators of this heinous act did not only stop at killing these military personnel but also went ahead to sacrilegiously debase their remains by ripping out their hearts and other body parts.

“The House is worried that unless checked and stopped, acts like this, by the very people the AFN are meant to protect, have a potential of demoralising the military and affecting the war on insecurity which has so far recorded some successes.”

After observing a minute silence for the souls of the military personnel killed in this horrendous incident, the House mandated the “Armed Forces of Nigeria to conduct a thorough and wholesome investigation into the circumstances that led to this heartless, gruesome and despicable act and work with the relevant authorities to bring all perpetrators and their collaborators to book.”

Hence, the House mandated its Committee on Defence to interface with the Armed Forces of Nigeria to ensure compliance and report to the House within four weeks.