
Easter: Speaker Abbas, Kalu task Christians to pray for Nigeria, leaders

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hon. Abbas Tajudeen and his Deputy, Hon. Benjamin Kalu on Saturday felicitated with Christians as they celebrate Easter to commemorate the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Speaker Abbas, in his Easter message, urged Christians and Nigerians in general to be selfless and sacrifice for one another, as exemplified by Jesus Christ.

The Speaker noted that it is only when the leaders and the followers alike shun self gratification and collectively work toward a common goal that the nation would be stronger and better, and the world would also be a better place.

He, therefore, called for prayers for Nigeria to overcome her current socio-economic and security challenges, stating that Easter is one of the best seasons to do so as patriotic citizens.

Speaker Abbas urged Nigerians to emulate the life of Jesus Christ and imbibe his teachings, including obedience to law and authorities, charity, and holiness.

He said it is in this spirit that Nigerians should pray for their leaders, starting with President Bola Ahmed Tinubu and his administration, as well as others in the other arms and tiers of the government.

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The Speaker wished Christians a happy Easter celebration.

On his part, the Deputy Speaker, Hon. Benjamin Kalu charged Nigerians especially the Christian faithful to emulate and adopt the virtues of Jesus Christ as they join others the world over to celebrate Easter.

In a statement titled: ‘Easter: Emulate Christ, spread love, renew your hope in Nigeria, Kalu charges Citizens’, issued by his Chief Press Secretary, Mr. Levinus Nwabughiogu, the Deputy Speaker said the teachings of Christ embodied love, sympathy, kindness, giving, forgiveness and a lot more virtues.

He urged Nigerians to spread love among themselves, stressing that such is the very essence of the commemoration of Easter which Christ demonstrated through his death and resurrection.

The Deputy Speaker also called on Nigerians not to give up on their country but keep praying for progress, unity and development, emphasizing that the resurrection of Christ signifies hope, peace and freedom.

Hon. Kalu also asked the people to put their confidence in the Renewed Hope agenda of the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu led All Progressives Congress (APC) government, assuring that it will not disappoint them.

The Deputy Speaker who represents Bende Federal Constituency of Abia State also emphasized that the House of Representatives and indeed, the National Assembly will continue to enact appropriate legislations that will positively transform the country and elevate the people’s standard of living.

He said: “The lesson in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ that Easter signifies, is that of hope for everyone.

“As we celebrate this significant season of Easter, I urge all to rekindle their hope in God.

“I also also call on the compatriots to trust in the President Bola Ahmed Tinubu led APC govern­ment which has made a commitment to renew the hope of the people.

“I urge Christians and Nigerians as a whole to show compassion, ensure unity and peaceful co-existence as well as continuous prayers for the peace, progress, unity and the development of the nation.

“Through necessary legislative interventions, the House of Representatives and the National Assembly at large will continue to support the Federal Government to deliver the dividends of democracy to the people. Happy Easter to everyone.”
