
Matawalle instrumental to improved security — Zamfara forum

Zamfara Progressive Development Forum (ZAPDEF) has alluded that a former Governor of Zamfara State and current Minister of State Defense Muhammed Bello Matawalle is instrumental in improving the current security.

The group was responding to the alleged publication in an online news platform (not Nigerian Tribune) accusing the minister of extending Ramadan palliative to some bandits in the state.

Speaking on behalf of the forum, the Secretary General, Lawal Usman Magami, condemned the allegation in strong terms describing it as “dirty politics” by unscrupulous supporters of the incumbent Governor, Dauda Lawal.

The group called on the political enthusiasts in the state to rally around the minister to collectively address the issue of insecurity rather than sponsoring a campaign of calumny against him.

To this end, the group called on the die-hard political jobbers who are behind the unpopular allegation to desist from such acts as they are only doing so for cheap and temporary political gain which is against the interest of the Zamfara people.

“We have been following with kin interest the sociopolitical landscape of Zamfara State in recent times and we are not happy with the political dimension the security situation in that part of the Northwest Nigerian is taking.

“With his support to the success so far recorded in the ongoing fight against insecurity challenges bedeviling the state through military operations and intervention, Matawalle should have been appreciated rather than being castigated or maligned.

“Matawalle was known by the Zamfara people a long time before now as a good leader who sacrificed much in ensuring the success of the fight against insecurity and political unity and cohesion.

“He will never allow sentiment or hatred to becloud his sense of judgment on the issue of security in the state especially now as Minister of State Defense”.