
APC trying to destabilise PDP, Damagun tells NEC

Faced with internal wrangling, the national chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Ambassador Iliya Damagun, has alleged that the ruling All Progressives Party (APC) is intent on destabilising the main opposition.

Speaking at the opening of the National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting in Abuja on Thursday, he accused the government of plunging the nation into hardship.

He told members of the party to understand that Nigerians are waiting for it to rescue the nation.

Damagun said: “There is also a need to constitute a strong reconciliation committee to unite our many aggrieved members, especially those that fell out during the last party primaries. It is better late than never.

“We must urgently reposition and strengthen the party for effective and constructive opposition, bringing to the table acceptable alternatives of policies and programmes in the governance of our dear nation; we must also, as a matter of necessity, bring the concerns of Nigerians to the forefront of political discourse;

“We must also understand that Nigerians are in love with the PDP and are anxiously looking up to us to bring succour and relief to their long APC afflictions.

“There is also a need for us as an opposition party to remain more united than we have ever been. This is because in unity lies our strength; we must remain vigilant and also understand that the ruling party will be making frantic efforts to use any available means to destabilise us, but if we are able to close ranks and remain focused, external forces against the party will always be frustrated.”

On the state of the nation, he stated: “It is no longer news that Nigerians are suffering under the hard and unfriendly APC-led government. The rate of unemployment, poverty, and insecurity is so high that most Nigerians go to bed without food in their stomach.

“Our farmers can no longer go to their farms because of fears of being killed. Industries are closing down and moving to neighbouring countries as a result of unstable power supplies and unfavourable government economic policies. Young Nigerians and professionals of various fields now sleep in various embassies so as to procure their papers and “Japa.”

Meanwhile, the PDP Board of Trustees (BoT) stressed the need for the party to resolve its ongoing leadership challenge and the actions of the National Working Committee (NWC).

Delivering his address at the opening of the NEC meeting, chairman of the board and former senate president, Adolphus Wabara, who made the call, affirmed that the main opposition party is going through internal strife.

He said that the widespread public interest in the affairs of the party showed confidence in its ability to tackle the various malaises besetting the country.

He stated: “As the custodians of our party’s values and principles, it is incumbent upon us to address the crises that have arisen from the recent challenges surrounding the leadership and actions of the National Working Committee.

“The widespread public interest in the affairs of our party is a strong pointer to the confidence Nigerians repose in the PDP as their only hope in the face of escalating insecurity, bloodletting, biting economic hardship, infrastructural decay, and pervasive misery occasioned by the horrible misgovernance of the heavily corrupt and insensitive All Progressives Congress (APC) administration spanning nine years.

“We cannot ignore the fact that our party is facing internal strife, fueled by inactions and disagreements, and we must demonstrate unity and resolve in the face of adversity. Let us not allow the actions of a few to overshadow the collective vision that unites us all.

“As advocates of democracy, we must uphold the principles of transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in all our endeavours. The process of mediation must be conducted with the utmost fairness and impartiality, ensuring that every voice is heard and every perspective is taken into consideration.

“Our contributions and decisions at this meeting must therefore be guided by the dictates of the Constitution of our great party and the vision of our founding fathers and mothers so that we can come out stronger and more united for the task ahead.

“In conclusion, let us heed the call of history and rise above the challenges that confront us today. Together, we can overcome the obstacles that lie in our path and emerge stronger and more united than ever before. The future of our party and the destiny of our nation depends on our collective actions in this critical moment.”

Wabara expressed confidence in the wisdom and integrity of the members of the NEC to rise to this occasion and lead the party to greater heights.

Meanwhile, NEC has condemned what it termed as the insensitivity, incompetence and arrogance of the APC-led government, noting that it has shown that it has no interest in the people’s welfare.

This is contained in the communiqué issued at the end of the meeting and read by the national publicity secretary of the party, Debo Ologunagba.

The committee also accused the administration of trying to create a one-party state that it said would be inimical to the stability and corporate existence of the country.

It advised President Bola Tinubu to urgently convene a special National Security Council meeting to propose a holistic solution and measures to curb the disturbing insecurity

It said: “NEC condemns the insensitivity, nonchalance, incompetence and arrogance in failure of the APC administration, which continues to conduct itself in a manner that shows that it has no iota of interest or commitment towards the wellbeing of Nigerians.

“NEC also condemns the creeping totalitarianism and tendencies towards a One-Party state, which is inimical to the peace, stability and corporate existence of our nation, as well as the development of Democracy and good governance in the country.

“NEC, after due consideration, demands that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu urgently convene a special National Security Council meeting to proffer a holistic solution and measures to curb the disturbing insecurity and its attendant negative consequences on our national life.

“NEC also demands that President Tinubu immediately rejig his Economic Team to bring in persons of proven integrity and competence without bias or vested interest to assist in repositioning the economy.

“NEC further demands that the Federal Government review all policies and programmes that are stifling the economy with suffocating effects on the lives of citizens; including the increase in the price of fuel without cushioning measures, hike in electricity tariff, increased taxation and implementation of adverse fiscal policies.”

The PDP NEC NEC expressed concern over the “ill-implemented policies of the insensitive APC administration, leading to worsening insecurity, harrowing economic hardship, soaring unemployment rate, high cost of food and other necessities of life, and pervasive misery and despondency across the country.”

It added: “NEC expresses serious apprehensions over the spate of acts of terrorism and violence, including the escalated cases of mindless killings, mass abduction of innocent Nigerians and marauding of communities in various parts of the country.”

The PDP NEC approved the timetable for party congresses across the country and the reconstitution of the Party Disciplinary and Reconciliation Committees to further ensure the stability of the party.

Similarly, NEC approved the extension of the life of the Party Constitution Amendment Committee to allow it to receive new amendment proposals for inclusion in its deliberation and final report for consideration by NEC.

Meanwhile, governors elected under the PDP have promised more to the main opposition to enable it to function effectively.

The chairman of the PDP Governors Forum, Bala Mohammed, gave the assurance during his address at the meeting.

He said, “The governors of the PDP are united and poised to give support to all the organs so that they can perform their constitutional functions. We have decided that at no time shall we leave the organs of the party feeling despondent and in want.

“We are working assiduously to make sure that all the off-season elections are well funded, and we are solidly behind the current leadership of the PDP at the National Working Committee level and the BoT.

“We really appreciate their performance, and we recognise especially that the BoT has an array of experienced elder statesmen who can leverage their resources and human capital to take us to where we want to be as a country.”