
Embrace volunteering for sustainable development, Expert urges engineers

A prominent figure in Civil Engineering and Construction Management, Joyce Lewis, has issued a passionate call to both young and seasoned engineers to embrace volunteering as a pathway to sustainable development.

Addressing the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), Victoria Island, Lagos branch, Lewis emphasised the transformative power of volunteering in shaping communities and fostering personal and professional growth.

According to her, she has been passionate about Sustainable Civil Construction Management and transportation engineering for over seven years.

“I have had the experience working on multiple construction projects in Nigeria before moving to the United States of America. I feel fulfilled to share with you some strategies that has helped me access amazing opportunities back in Nigeria and the United States,” Lewis remarked.

Lewis stressed the significant impact volunteering can have on personal and professional development.

Quoting a Deloitte survey, she noted that 92 per cent of respondents agreed that volunteering is an effective way to improve leadership skills. Additionally, she highlighted that individuals who volunteer regularly have a 27% higher chance of gaining employment, according to research.

During the seminar, Lewis outlined strategies for accessing opportunities, including networking, continuous skills enhancement, and utilizing online platforms tailored for engineers and technical professionals.

She stressed the importance of leveraging professional engineering associations and society programs for networking and collaboration.

“Networking with peers, industry associations, and volunteering platforms can lead to discovering new opportunities and collaborations,” Lewis explained.

She also encouraged attendees to continuously enhance their skills to remain competitive in the field.

Personal branding was another key aspect discussed by Lewis. She advised engineers to showcase their skills, experience, and passion through well-crafted resumes, online profiles, or portfolios.

As an exercise, Lewis urged attendees to connect with the person next to them on LinkedIn, highlighting the importance of networking in today’s professional landscape.