
Call EFCC to order, Middle-Belt group urges Tinubu

In an open letter addressed to President Bola Tinubu, GCFR, the Middle-Belt Vanguard for Good Governance has raised concerns over the “arbitrary actions” of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and called for intervention to safeguard democratic principles and uphold the rule of law.

The letter, signed by prominent members of the association including Dr Istifanus Bwatpe, President/Convener, and Engr. Anebi David Adakole, Secretary, highlights a recent incident where the EFCC conducted a raid on the residence of the immediate past Governor of Kogi, Alhaji Yahaya Adoza Bello, “without a warrant”.

The Middle-Belt Vanguard described EFCC’s action as “reminiscent of the dark days of military dictatorship, causing Nigeria’s reputation to suffer internationally”.

The group condemned EFCC’s purported disregard for a High Court injunction restraining them from harassing or threatening to arrest Alhaji Yahaya Bello and his associates.

Despite being served with the injunction, the EFCC allegedly continued its aggressive tactics, raising questions about its respect for the judiciary and due process.

The association accused the EFCC of attempting to subvert the course of justice and undermine the country’s judicial system.

They asserted that while they support efforts to combat corruption, such actions must be carried out within the confines of the law, without trampling on the rights of individuals or abusing legal procedures.

The letter calls on President Tinubu, a staunch advocate for democracy, to intervene and ensure that the EFCC operates in accordance with constitutional provisions and respects the rule of law. 

It emphasises the importance of preserving Nigeria’s democratic values and preventing any regression into authoritarianism or abuse of power.

In conclusion, the Middle-Belt Vanguard urged President Tinubu to “address the concerns raised and take decisive action to rein in the EFCC’s excesses“. 

They expressed their profound gratitude for his commitment to good governance and leadership, emphasising the need for his timely intervention to safeguard democracy and protect the rights of all citizens.

The open letter underscores the growing calls for accountability and transparency within Nigeria’s law enforcement agencies, highlighting the delicate balance between combating corruption and respecting individual liberties.